Elsa ruins Mer's bow and arrow

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Punz: *braiding Bo's hair*
Jelsa: * ice-skating*
Kristanna: *making ice sculptures*
Mer: *sharpening her arrows*
Hic: *making snowcones*
Olaf: *at Bo's wattpad*
Toothless and Sven: *eating the snowflakes*
Pascal: *got his tongue stuck on an ice pole*
Baymax: *inside his charging station*
Laney: *making a snow fort*
Bo: Hey Lanes, why don't you just use your powers?
Laney: Ohh yeah...I often forget that...*uses powers to make a fort*
Hiro: Whoa...what's with the hair?
Bo: Ugh...Punz wanted to do some Experimental stuff. -_-"
Hiro: And you let her?
Bo: Yep....I look like an idiot, right?
Hiro: What! No you even look pretty!!
Bo: *punches his arm* Thanks :D
Hiro: Ow...
Baymax: I heard a sound of distress, what seems to be the trouble?
Hiro: Its nothing Baymax...
Bo: I just 'playfully' punch him *doing hand signs*
Hiro: Baymax you should just go to your charging station...
Baymax: Scanning complete...
Hiro: Uh oh...
Bo: ?
Baymax: Your neurotransmitter levels are rising up when you are with her *points to Bo*
Bo: Me??? ('_')
Baymax: And its cause is PUBERTY....
Hiro: *groans* Not that Topic, again!!
Baymax: And-
Hiro: I am Satisfied with my Care!!!!!!!!
Bo: (.__.) Phew....
Baymax: *goes back to his charging station*
Anna: What was that??
Amiro: NOTHING ( '_')
Kristoff: *raises eyebrow* Bo: Can you guys just stop that?!
Kristanna: Wut?
Bo: That raising the eyebrow thingie....
Kristoff: Anna started it!
Anna: It wasn't me...it was Punzie!!
Punzie: It wasn't me too....its Merida!!!
Mer: it ain't me! Its Hiccup!!
Hic: Its not me...its Hiro!
Hiro: I didn't started it..its Jack!!
Jack: Hey!!! Its Elsa not me!!!
Elsa: ....
Others: *staring at her*
Elsa: Oh fine...I started it
( ._.)
Laney: *comes out of the fort* CASE CLOSED!!!!
Olaf: *sees notification* Elsa!! There's a Dare For You!!!!! *runs to Elsa, then slips*
Elsa: *catches the phone, reads her dare* "I dare elsa to freeze merida's bow and arrows while merida is watching her and when its frozen chop it with an ax or a saw merida gets to choose" ~marianhequilan
Mer: *wasn't listening*
Epic 8: Oh that's hard....
Bo: Well we gotta tie Merida on a chair so she won't panic and kill you Elsa...
Elsa: O__O"
Laney: I got the rope!!
Jack: I got the chair!!! Ooh this is going to be fun!!!!
Anna: You totally hate Mer??
Jack: Yep *pops the 'p'*
Hic: *sprays some 'sleepy gas' on Merida's face*
Mer: *snoring* U.U z..Z..Z
After ten minutes...
In a dark room
Candlelights are the only source of life...
Imagine the scene in Monsters University where they had an initiation... (Got inspired :D)
Mer: *wakes up, tied tightly on a chair* What's happening?
Epic 8: *on robes* (So Merida won't freak out...I guess)
Elsa: *freezes her bow and arrows which is on the table that is on the center of the room*
Mer: *gasps*
Others: DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN...*imagine the scene in Finding Nemo, where they give Nemo a new name (Shark Bait)*
Mer: What am I gonna do with a- *got cutted off by Jack*
Mer: Uh.....an Ax maybe?
Jack: THEN IT IS DECIDED!!!! *nudges Elsa* DO YOUR THING...
Elsa: *deep breath* *brings out an Ax then CHOPS it*
Mer: *shocked* *speechless* *cries for 10 seconds* *very mad* *gets out of the chair*
Epic 8: *gasps*
Mer: *turns on the light* TELL ME WHO YOU FREAKS ARE!!!!!!
Epic 8: *takes off their robes*
Mer: *shocked* *goes to the kitchen then comes back with a bag full of knives*
Epic 8: *shocked*
Mer: *throws the knives at them*
Epic 8: *running for their lives* HEEELLLPPP USSS!!!!!
Toothless, Pascal, Olaf and Baymax: *watching us getting chased by Mer while eating popcorn except Baymax* *laughs*
All: *pauses* Oh and BYEEE!!!! *continues what they're doing*
Whooo!!! Another chapter finished!!
The other chapters are coming soon!!!
Please rate it!!!
If its good type White
If its terrible type Black

**Bye Mallows!!**

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