missing you

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Shanice stood in the bathroom of her hotel room signing to herself as she curled the last piece of her hair

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Shanice stood in the bathroom of her hotel room signing to herself as she curled the last piece of her hair. Her flight landed three hours late and now she was in a rush to get everything done.

"Hello?" She answered her phone and put it on speaker as she applied her chocolate brown lip liner.

"Yeah, he already went out on the stage." Sean spoke into the phone making her sigh.

"I know, I'm leaving my hotel room right now so I'll just see him after he gets off stage." She paused. "How was he doing?"

"You know how he is when he's not in the mood but nothing less he's putting on a good show. I had to step out to call you put I'm gonna go back inside to see what's up."

"Okay, I'll text you when I get there."

Hanging up the phone she threw it inside of her purse and instantly made her way down the stairs where her ride was waiting for her. Looking down at her phone her leg began bouncing anxiously at the time.

Oakley her boyfriend had been in stage for about forty five minutes and she wanted to be there when he got off but the way the traffic was poking she didn't know if it was possible.

"Can I get out here?" She asked the driver seeing they were just down the street from the venue. She was tired of sitting in traffic and her nerves we're almost over the place.

She just wanted to be with her baby.

"Ma'am we're just down the street." The driver began to say but she hoped out the car and her security were right behind her. In less that five minutes she made her way inside the venue and down the ramp.

"Nini!" Sean waived her over and she walked over to him trying to catch her breath. "This is the last song?"

"Nah. he got two more and then he'll be done." He said and instantly Shanice snapped her head at him.


"I literally ran my ass down the street thinking he was about to get off the stage." She laughed.

"That's my bad sis."

Shanice rapped along to every single song making sure she was the loudest one in the back as Oakley performed the rest of his songs. When it came to most of his songs she was the first to person to hear them so she knew every single word.

"Oakley Jr is about to blow my damn ear out." Sean mumbled but Shanice was too busy rapping that she wasn't paying him any attention.

"He did so good, period!" She smiled as she went to grab a water bottle to give him, along with a towel.

"Which way is he coming?" She asked as she walked closer to the aisle and looked around.

"The left." Sean pointed and she instantly moved to the other side of hall and waited for him to walk off the stage.

A smile instantly spread across her face as she walked him walk down the hall with a small mug across his his. He was dressed in a simple black T-shirt, black puffer jacket, and a pair of black sweatpants. His iced out cross chain hung from his neck to match his earrings and rings.

Shanice ran as fast as she could in her four inch high heeled boots would let her to catch up to him as he walked quickly. Once she caught up to him she grabbed his arm lightly making him turned around confused.

"Yoo!" He yelled allowing a big ass smile spread across his face as he wrapped his arms around her, damn near knocking her off her feet as he held onto her so she didn't fall.

"Babe!" She laughed as she tried to catch his hat that flew on the floor but due to the tightened of the hug she wasn't going anywhere.

"I fucking missed you." He mumbled into her ear as he wrapped one arm around her waist and the other around the neck of her neck, pulling her closer to him.

"I missed you too. You did so good tonight." She leaned up and kissed his lips. Of course members of his team and security were still around them but they didn't care. They were in their own world enjoying each other's company.

"Thanks babe." He kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand so they could walk back to his dressing room.

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