pink roses

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"Did you enjoy having time to yourself after tour?" Angie, the interviewer asked

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"Did you enjoy having time to yourself after tour?" Angie, the interviewer asked. Aaliyah nodded her head and adjusted in her seat before she spoke. "With your mystery boo that you're hiding from us?"

"Y'all are so crazy. I've been spending alot of my time in Atalanta with my family and really taking advantage of my free time." Aaliyah smiled and completely ignored the slick comment that was made.

"With your family?" Angie raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," Aaliyah nodded her head. "As I said before I have a lot of cousins on both sides of the family so whenever I check the chance to link up with them and just chill." She shrugged her shoulders and adjusted her Chanel frames onto her face.

"Right, and speaking of a big family. Would you like to age one of your own one day?" Angie switched the subject but Aaliyah somewhat knew what she was trying to do.

"Um, I don't know. It would be a blessing to have kids but I honestly feel like it's a lot of pressure. I constantly travel on the road and bust my ass to be as rich and successful as possible. Alot of my time is occupied and when I have kids I want to be with them all the time."

"Mmh, that makes alot of sense. So you can see yourself as the settling down, having kids, and, getting married kind of person?"

"Most definitely, my grandparents have been married for over fifty something years so I always look to them for hope with my relationships. They taught me that when you rally find your person nobody can get in the way of that."

"And have you found your person?"

"I know that I have." She nodded.



Aaliyah smiled at the message that flashed across her screen as she walked down the hallway to her apartment

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Aaliyah smiled at the message that flashed across her screen as she walked down the hallway to her apartment.

"You don't know how fucking proud I am of you. as soon as I get back in town we're gonna celebrate for real. I love your pretty ass." The message read.

Cairo, her boyfriend was currently out of town handling some business for his real estate domains. She missed him so much but she knew he was working hard and she supported him. Just like he supported her.

Reaching into her black quilted Chanel purse she pulled out her keys and opened the door of her apartment. When she stepped inside her jaw dropped and her eyes instantly began to water.

Her apparent was filled with pink roses and pink balloons, her favorite color from the top to the bottom. The biggest bouquet of flowers in the shape of a heart sat in the middle of her glass table and the card sticking out instantly caught her attention.

"By the time you finished reading this ima be home snd all over your fine self. You been kicking ass all tour and you deserve a break. That's why I'm flying us to as soon as I get back" (Cario).

Aaliyah couldn't control the big smile that spread across her face as she walked around the apartment and saw the rise petee as is sprinkled everywhere. Pulling out her phone she dialed his number and waited for his face to pop up on the screen.

"I love you so fucking much. You know that ?" She smiled as she admired him. His toffee colored skin was glowing in the sun as he walked to wherever he was going. On his head he wore a black fitted Nike cap and a green hoodie from what she could see. His full beard was freshly lined up and his pink lips looked soft and full.

"I love you to mamas." He bit his lip and looked at her. It had been two weeks since they last saw each other snd he was missing his baby. Her kisses, her body and her infectious laugh had him hooked on her.

"I can't wait for you to get back. I got something for you when you get here." She glanced at him through the phone as she bit her lip, making him laugh.

"Oh yeah? You gonna sit on my face?"

"Whatever you want, babe." She smiled.

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