The Exam

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It had now been a month and a half since the crash, two weeks since the end of the trial. The neurologist hadn't cleared Jade to fly yet, but he had cleared her to return to Top Gun just in time for the final and graduation. 

Jade had gotten changed into her brown uniform, it felt great to be back. The only annoying thing was the tight bun pulling on her head, however, Jade saw the positives this morning and when she thought about it the bun didn't hurt her head as bad as she thought it would. She smiled as she shut her locker, remembering the conversation last night when she arrived home from her neurologist appointment,

It had been a long day for Jade as she drove back from the Doctor in Penny's car. She took a deep breath as she entered the house and joined the family who were already eating around the dinner table. 

As she sat down Pete was talking with Bradley, "Are you ready to proctor the exams tomorrow? Filled out all of your paperwork?" Bradley nodded at this, enthusiastically. 

Jade smiled as she finished the small serving on her plate, which was bigger than what she had been eating before - she had lost a lot of her appetite this past month from grounding depression. Penny noticed this and smiled, she was glad that Jade seemed to be getting better. Penny noticed a sparkle in Jade's eye, "So Jade, how was the doctor?" 

Jade looked up at Penny sitting down her fork and simply beaming, "Well, I better go study for that exam tomorrow" She then stood up, pushing her chair in. 

Jade looked over to see her father's reaction, her mother had to go back to work for a while and she had a surprise back home for her. However, when she looked Pete was not in his seat. It didn't take long for her to find her father as he tackled her in a bear hug, "Oh Jade that's great!" 

Jade hugged her father back. They had gotten closer over the past month. Jade got to actually spend time with him as everything began settling down after the trial. She learned a lot, that while they might be similar, they were not the same. Pete Mitchell was insane, mischievous, childish, and a dangerous pilot. Jade Mitchell was also insane but was also calculated, she wasn't mischievous but made her own way, and she wasn't a dangerous pilot, she was intimidating. Jade realized what her Aunts and mother said was true. When she was younger and over at her Uncle Ice's, her mother, Aunt Sarah, and Aunt Carole would gossip. She remembered walking in on them gossiping and making dinner one night, Sarah was laughing at Jess and Carole who were talking about all their children being best friends like their husbands. Jade remembered what Sarah said while laughing, "I'm sorry to tell you Jess, but Jade is going to be the perfect little mix of Tom and Pete. A Calculated Micheivous Intimidating Pilot." 

Jade smiled as her father released her from the hug. That's what she was and she laughed at the memory, "Well seriously I better study, If I don't do well and I mess up and don't get that trophy. Uncle Ice is gonna rise from the grave and yell at me." 

Bradley stood as well, taking their plates to the sink, "Yeah, and then give you anything you want and baby you. Spoiled, I just got lectured." 

Jade laughed once again, her smile never fading, "Not my fault I'm the best." 

Bradley scoffed, "Yeah yeah, I'll help you study." 

Penny and Pete gave each other a knowing look. Jade noticed this, "Oh my gosh you too... Hey, you can't judge any of my relationship choices Penny," This is all being whispered to Penny, "You're the one about to marry a man in the navy who can't even pilot a ship." 

Yes, it was true, Bradley and Jade had been getting a lot closer. The days practically alone helped with that. Not to mention that Bradley was there for Jade constantly, helping her with whatever she needed. Help her mentally work through everything. And Jade did the same for Bradley. 

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