chapters 7

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(Sarah pov)

After John b and Me got together topper got really mad I don't know how he find out but I'm pretty sure rafe told him

I told whezzie about Me and John b and I know not to trust her in those things I shouldn't have told her.

After I taik with the principal me and John b left to the Chateau

He made as some really tasty toast whice he never does I didn't even know he can make food

Guess he does

"Let's get married" John b said
I laugh and said "we just got together"

(John b pov)

I smile and kiss her head as she look at me

"Son" my dad enter in the door making us pull apart
"Yes dad" I said

I heard sarah little laugh whice made me smile
"I think it's time to say goodbye" my dad said

Not gonna lie im pretty sad I'm not going to see him for a long time and I'm going to miss him so much but I also have my friends here and it be harder to say goodbye to them.

I got up and hug my dad
"Goodbye dad call me" I said
He hug me back
"Goodbye son"
He pulled away And smile
"Bye sarah" he said waiking away
"Bye big John" sarah said

I turn to look at her and she hug me tightly
"it's going to be okay" she said

I nodded and she pulled away
"So the bonfire is tomorrow and we're going" she also said

"Sure I mean we have nothing better to do" I said

She kiss my cheek and we watch a movie.
After a long time sarah got shower and I heard a knock on the door.

I open it to see kiara standing there she had a basket full off clothes and she had fluffy eyes and she look really sad

"Hey" she said she look like she's holding back tears.

I know what happend they kick her out what a stupid parent

I hug her and she cried into my shoulder
"It's okay you can come stay with me and sarah" I said.
"Thank you John b it means a lot to me" kiara said.

Sarah waik in and stop waiking when she saw kiara crying
She immediately waik to her and hug her.

"Hey its okay" sarah said kissing kiara head
"I'm sorry I well leave if it's to much" kiara said
"Never kiara your staying here" I said

She noded and fake a smile by the look at her face.

I waik her to jj room because there is no other room In the house
"Thank you again John b" kiara said
"Kie your my best friend and you help me a lot off times of course ill help you" I hug her again

I waik away after she pulled away and left to sarah

"Is she okay" sarah said
"I think so I think we should give her some time and jj well be back soon so" I said .

She noded but she look sad to
"What's wrong" I said
"Nothing really" sarah said

"I know something is bothering you" I said. She didn't say anything

"You know you can tell me everything" I said "I know it's just that we'll after the fight with topper he came up to me and he told me he well kill every single one off us" she said

Dude that guy won't leave us alone
"Sarah I promise if he touch you I'll kill him" I said

She noded and I heard another knock

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