chapter 10

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Sarah pov:

"Its your dad" I said John b looked shock but also confused I wanted to hug him so bad right now but first I need to tell him
"What happend to my dad" he ask but jj came runing
"Fuck sorry did you told him"

"Sit down jj" pope annoyingly said
"Guys what the hell happend to my dad" John b start tearing

"He's missing in the sea I think is... dead" kiara spoke she start having tears to all of us had we know John b he was like a second dad to all off us of course I have my dad but still.

John start crying and then storm off I wanted to go with him but kiara stop me "I think he need a little time alone" she whisper

I noded and sit down next to her while jj and pope we're on a different sofa "I'm should probably head home sorry guys" pope said

We all noded and said goodbye

Pope left and it was just me jj and kie we we're sitting in the couch awkwardly waiting for someone to taik but no one did.

"I think I'm gonna go for a waik" I said getting up kiara noded and said "yeah I think I'm gonna go to the hammock"

I noded and left to the beach
I didn't know where I was waiking I just keept waiking until I heard someone from behind "sarah is that you"

I turn around and saw rafe "what the hell rafe"

He waik closer to me looking really upset I start taiking a few steps back "you and you fucking friend left me there you understand that right" he said getting even more closer "get away from me" I start tearing

But he didn't he start chocking me "raf- rafe st- stop" I mumble breathless

"Please" i whisper.

He finaly Let me go but its because someone pushed him I couldn't see who it his I can't breathe right now
I toke a few breath and look who it is

"John b" i whisper still breating he was punching rafe almost killing him "DONT EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN" John b yelled

"Stop" I mumble. Rafe was almost passed out but his smiling what a psycho "please John b" I begged

John b finaly Let go and rafe was now half dead I looked at John b his eyes we're fluffy red and his looked really mad

"John b" I huged him and heard him crying "it's okay" I whisper.

Mean while kiara pov:

I was laying on the hammocks fidgeting with my hands and biting the inside off my cheek

I looked at the sky who are with a lot off star I keept looking until I heard a noise coming from behind

"Hey" I heard a voice saying
I turn around and saw jj "Hey" I whisper. He lay down on the other side of the hammocks and looked at the star to

It was a completely silent and not an awkward one just very quit until jj broke it "does your parents know your back?" He ask

"Not yet but when they will they'll probably kill me so" I answer I looked at him for a second and he had his serious face

"What" I ask confused "Nothing" he whisper "look jay I'm really sorry and i love you and I'm sorry I didn't came with you" I finaly said he looked at me and had a small smile "I love you to kie I'm sorry I pushed you away"

I lean and he did the same so I crash my lips into his.

A month later. John b pov:

When I find out my dad is dead I couldn't belive it but It's been a month and I think it make sense even if something is weird he told me he was going with someone but he didn't told me who it is.

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