chapter 9

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Kiara pov:

I woke up in John b house where I live now and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth only to find John b and sarah making out on the center off the bathroom

"Ewww what the fuck" I said feeling like I want to throw up
"Did you ever heard about knocking" John b yelled. I rolled my eyes and said "why are you making out in the bathroom anway"

Both John b and sarah looked at eachother and then sarah said "No reason just the only place where poeple KNOCK" she yelled at the word knock

"Gezz sorry" I said leaving the bathroom I got to the kitchen and grab myself a pancake that sarah made I toke a bite and it taste like a trash I throw it out off my mouth and cook my self a pancake

"Morning" pope said coming in
"Good morning angel" I smile.
He looked at me confused and said "Are you okay...."

"No I just saw sarah and John b making out on the bathroom center so I'm kinda traumatized"

"Oh that make sense. So are you and jj are back together" pope ask
"Yeah after is very talented escape plane" pope laugh as I taik and we eat some pancake.

After a while John b and sarah joined us and I glare at both off then they both noticed and sarah said "Oh come on don't be so dramatic" I rolled my eyes and saw that jj is coming looking like half dead like always with his tired eyes

"Good morning" I said
"It's not a good morning I'm tired as fuck" I smile at jj comment and he sat next to me giving me a small kiss on the cheek whice made me blush but then John b and sarah left

"Okay lovebirds I need help" pope said "taik" jj

"Okay so like you guys know me and cleo are together but we never said I love you or something like that and I do love her but I'm not sure she's ready to say it back" .

Me and jj we're both silent for a seconds but then I spoke "listen if she don't say back then it's alright she's probably not ready yet but always try your shot I'm saying go for it man"

"Don't listen to kie okay I think that if she don't say I love you back you should totally dump her we-"
"Ouch" I said cutting him off

"Sorry if you want to but if she says I love you back then yeah sure man" jj said finishing his speech

"Are you done" I ask
"Yeah.." jj said slowly

Pope just looked at us both confused and then said "I think I'm gonna go with kie"

I cheer and jj rolled his eyes "What ever man" 

(Pope pov)

Of course jj gives me the dumb advice but luckily kie give me a good one and I'm going to tell cleo that i love her it's a very powerful word and I know she's the right person who I can say it to.

I got up from the sit I was in and text cleo


You: hey
Them: oh hi pope
You: can you come to the beach
Them: sure be there in 7 minutes
You: great

I got off the phone and got to the beach and saw her she was playing with her knife and sitting in a rock.

"Hey" I said She notice me and smile "hi pope"

I start getting really nervous and fidgeting with my hands

"So did you want som-" "I love you" I cut her off. She froze for a second but then said "pope I think I need to tell you something"

I know I screwed it up fuck I'm such an idiot "yeah" I ask "I figure it out a few days ago and I feel really bad but well I'm a lesbian"

I froze how did I not notice I mean there was some sights but I didn't taught it was really much

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