Chapter 1 | The beginning

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"Y/N! Y/N Wake up you have to go to work!" You woke up to someone screaming your name into your ear.

"Eh?" You opened your eyes to see a transparent boy. In a panic you went to punch him only for your hand to go right through his face.

You quickly sat up as he backed away from you, seeming unfazed by what you just did. You came to your senses, finally realizing what's happening around you. "Oh.. heh sorry, Pumpkin" You got up heading over to your mirror, the boy following behind closely behind "Really gotta get used to living with a ghost" You paused looking at yourself in the mirror "look like shit.." You mumbled before heading over to your phone to check the time.

It was 6:55 and you had to go to work at 9:30.

"Figured I wake you early so you can get more stuff done before then" Pumpkin said, giving you a small smile. "Thanks" You said heading over to your dresser to get your clothes for the day. "Shoo" You said waving your hand while heading over to the bathroom. Pumpkin did what you said and disappeared. You went into the bathroom and started getting ready for work. You thought about how all of this happened, about the ghost that had woken you up this morning.

Well, it was simple really. That ghost was your dead 23-year-old brother, Noah. He looks so different compared to when he was alive.

When he was alive he looked like your average boy. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. He was a bit shorter than you, which you had always made fun of him for. You giggled at that thought. He was always so serious, only showing his softer, caring side to close friends and family.

You remembered that he was always so smart. He had skipped a few years in middle school and had graduated college at an early age.

You think he got a degree in engineering. You weren't sure, you remember that most of the time (after he graduated college) he was working on something important.

In fact, one time you startled him when he was working on it and one thing led to another and he had cut you on the left side of your jaw, leaving a scar.

You smiled fondly at the memories you had of him and you.

Now, he looked different, but he's still the same old Noah you had always known. He had white hair and his eyes were blue. Sometimes they'd change colors. They could go from yellow to pink in an instant. He was still the same height, but it annoyed you a little how he could float. Making it seem like he was taller than you.

Noah had started to appear a few weeks after he died. Only you could see him though. He had comforted you when you were mourning. At first you thought you were hallucinating, now? Eh it's confusing.

Your family always believed in ghosts and gods. A few family members had even claimed that they had seen ghosts. Others said that they could even see the future. You had always believed them, considering the fact that you have seen a few paranormal things before. So it didn't take long for you to believe your brother when he said that he was real.

You left the bathroom, now that you were finished getting ready for work. You grabbed the pastel purple scarf that was on top of the desk in your room and wrapped it around your neck. It was your brothers scarf. You couldn't go anywhere without it.

You walked out of your room and headed towards the kitchen. You opened the fridge and grabbed everything you needed to make for breakfast.


You got inside of your car and started it. You backed out of your driveway and started to drive to work. You worked as a barista in a cute little cafe. It wasn't owned by any big companies, so when people in the town heard about it everyone came and supported it. You believed that it had been a Italian restaurant before the owner came and bought it.

The owner, is a nice person. You could tell they really cares about the cafe and their employees.

You finally arrived at your workplace. You got out of the car and walked to the doors of the cafe. You sighed and opened the doors.

"Hello, Y/N!" You heard the voice of Eun call out to you. You looked to your left to see Eun walk up to you. They had short hair. The left side being dyed with black and the right side being dyed with blonde hair dye. They also had brown eyes, and a pierced nose. Currently they wore a white shirt and blue jeans with a black apron over it.

You giggled and waved at them "Hey Eun! How are you today?" You smiled at them "Ah.. well I need to ask you something" They said giving you a hesitant smile "Yeah what is it?" "Would you mind taking care of the cafe while I'm gone?" They paused before speaking again "I'll be gone for just a month. I trust you the most with this type of stuff" You looked around at the cafe before talking "What will I be needing to do?" They looked happy that you were in the very least considering it "Well you'll be needing to clean the shop, take care of the plants" They pointed at a few plants that were on tables "I made sure that inventory is okay so you don't need to worry about that" You nodded to show that you were listening "eh.. what else.. oh! Right you'll be needing to open the cafe too! I think that's it... Are you up for it? I'll be leaving tomorrow" You thought about it before coming up with your answer "Yeah sure.. I'll take care of the cafe" They beamed at that and hugged you "Thank you so much Y/N!" You smiled sheepishly and waved your hand "It's no problem, Eun"

"Well I should let you get to your job" They walked away and waved at you. You smiled at them and went to get your apron. It was a pastel purple, it matched your brothers scarf. You put on your name tag and got to work. You had met a few bossy people, one of them even threatening to call your boss and get you fired. In which, Eun quickly came to defuse the situation as best as they could.

It wasn't long before your shift ended and you had to go back home.

A/N: Eun and the coffee shop story is actually a reference to another book on Quotev, I like you a latte.

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