seventh day of Christmas

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Pal's eyes widen as they look around the room.
It now contained an indoor pool with seven swans in it, six pink Christmas trees lined the walls,
Floating tables with wobbly pudding, candy canes lined the walls beside the mistletoes and six little tents sit in a corner.

" The room got bigger?!", Pal gasps.

They turn to see Cheshire looking at the swans longingly.

" I swear she's pushing my limits", Cheshire grumbles.

"Where's the chesh-kits?".

Cheshire grins and shouts merrily across the room," kits guess who's here!".

All six kittens stick their heads out of the tents and meows in delight as they see pal.

"Chesh-pal!", They squeal and at the same time disappear with a grin.

Two sit on their head, one on each shoulder and two in each hand.

Pal purrs in delight and squeals,"you've been training them? Without me?".

"They were eager and I think you'd like their accessories".

He points his tail at the red horns pinned on their ears and a pitchfork on their tails.

Pal waves their tail happily from side to side.

"So freaking cute!".

The door flys open as mad hatter slides into the room carrying a tray of cupcakes.

"Dessert anyone? Rainbow flavored!".

All  six kittens vanish and reappear above the cupcakes licking their whiskers.

"Wait! The rainbow is a flavor?", Pal asks confused.

"I know crazy right?!",carol exclaims appearing out of nowhere.

"Eeeekk! You're a Cheshire!",pal squeals.

Carol waves her black and blue tail from side to side and blinks her cat-like eyes.

"You're not pink or purple", Cheshire notes.

" What can I say? I don't like pink".

"You're crazy", Cheshire remarks.

"I'm not crazy. My reality is just different from yours", carol purrs.

"Now who's quoting Cheshire?", Pal giggles.

"I must be an idol amongst humans",Cheshire muses.


The kits roll on the floor and mad hatter seems to be in an argument with march hare.

"Green is a good look on me!", Hatter insists.

"No red!",march argues.

Cheshire clears his throat and they turn to look at him.

Cheshire grins and points above them with his tail.

It's a Christmas book it was bound to happen😉😉

They look up to see mistletoe hanging over their heads.
They look at each other and then look away.

Hatter clears his throat and pecks hare on the cheek.

Carol high fives Cheshire and bump tails.

Hare quickly yells, "everybody!".

"On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me
Seven swans a-swimmin
Six geese a-layin
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three french hens
Two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree!".

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