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hiii! so this is my first ever fic, so I apologize I it's bad. I also just want to say I don't have a full understanding of the justice system. most of the information I had for this fic came from breaking bad and my mom who was a stenographer for a couple years. I am not qualified, so most of this fic will most likely be inaccurate. also, this may be a sensitive topic to some people, so I tried my best to portrait it in a civilized way. once again, sorry if anything inaccurate, and please enjoy ^^


Phil sighed as he cracked his knuckles and leaned back in his rickety office chair. He rubbed the gunk from his eyes and checked the time. 2:43 AM. He groaned and glared at the half finished papers that were sprawled out all over his desk in an unorthodox way. He had papers for one case on top of files for another case, and judicial documents on top of everything. Phil had to get all the paper work completed and passed through the jurisdiction for multiple cases in two and half weeks.

He knew he shouldn't have pushed the papers to the last minute but he's been exhausted from being practically overbooked till next year. What's that thing that people say? There's a price for popularity or something-

Phil's thoughts were interrupted by his door being pushed open and his scrawny intern rushing inside with a tall man in a official uniform behind him, and paperwork in his hands.

"Sorry to disrupt you sir but we need to talk immediately." His intern, Ranboo Beloved, quickly blurted out while offering the tall man behind him a seat. "This is Mr. Awsamdude, warden of Pandoras Vault Juvenile Detention Center. I'm sure you've heard of him?"

"Pleasure to see you again, Sam." Phil nodded as he shook Sams hand. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Hello to you too Phil. I'm sorry to disrupt you this early in the morning, but it was urgent." Sam said. "How many cases are you currently working on?"

"Oh well.." Phil suddenly became very embarrassed about how messy his desk was. He cleared his throat. "I believe it's seven. Why?"

"I need you to drop all of them immediately." Sam said. Phil would've thought he was joking if it wasn't for the dead serious look in his eyes. Before Phil could interrupt, Sam spoke again.

"I can talk to the jury and the other case workers if your to busy to do it yourself." Sam said as he took papers from Ranboo.

"I get you might be a bit confused right now, but please allow me to give you a quick synopsis." Ranboo rambled.

Phil beckoned for them to continue. Ranboo awkwardly cleared his throat as he recollected their thoughts.

"We need you to drop all your current cases because we have a... unique situation." He uttered. "His name is Tom M. Simons. He was convicted of multiple crimes that even grown men are afraid to commit. First degree murder, arson, underage drug possession.. the list goes on and on!"

At this point, even Sam looked nervous. He was picking underneath his fingernails and glancing at Ranboo every other second. Phil had to keep his composure, but in reality, he was intimidated. Ranboo was muttering things under his breath as they shook their head.

"Just.. here." Sam said breaking the awkward silence and passing Phil a thick stack of papers. Phil briefly scanned over the front page and paused to look at his mugshot. He looked.. bored. Not scared, not angry, not even regretful. He had messy blonde hair that hadn't been cut in god knows how long. He had scars that littered his body, and a white streak in his hair that stuck out like a sore thumb. What shocked Phil the most was how youthful he looked.

"And how old did you say he was..?" Phil asked second-handily as he flipped through the files.

"Well, that's what makes this case so special sir!" Ranboo chimed in, leaning up from where he sat down. "He is 10 years old."

Phil practically choked on his spit. Sam expected this reaction from him. Phil had only worked with juveniles as young as 13 and as old as 18, but 10!?

Phil stared at Ranboo, expecting him and Sam to just laugh and say it was a joke or something. How the hell was a ten year old boy able to commit federal crimes? And why is Phil the one who always gets stuck with the messed up ones?

"Ranboo," Phil spoke, breaking the silence. "Please go prepare us three cups of coffee. Extra caffeine."

Ranboo nodded as he scurried out of the room to go prepare coffee.

Sam waited till he heard a door click before he talked to Phil. He cleared his throat to stop Phil from reading Toms long record.

"There was one important detail that I didn't tell Ranboo." Sam said, glancing back at the door, to Phil, and then back to the wooden door. This was definitely new. Sam was usually the calm one, but now the nervousness was practically radiating off of him.

"Do you remember case Wilbur M. Soot?" Sam muttered, trying to keep quiet.

Phil nodded his head. How could he forget Wil! Wilbur was his first case ever. His charges were dropped about three years ago, and Phil fostered him until he could get onto his feet. Phil treated him like his son, and still tries to keep in contact with him.

"Well Tom, he's Wilbur's younger brother." Sam told him.

Phil started to feel a little bit less nervous about this whole ordeal. Wilbur was good, and if this Tom was anything like him, he's sure this case would be a breeze.

"But that's not it." Sam said sitting up straight. "Wilbur's case recently was reopened with more evidence proving that Wilbur, was in fact, guilty. But not just with the crimes he was charged for before. He was charged with.. well.. federal crimes. First degree murder, arson, underage drug possession. Sound familiar yet, Phil?"

The pressure that Phil thought had been lifted on his shoulder just came back tenfold.

"After Wilbur was released with no charge, federal agents wanted to investigate the case more, so they secretly kept in open, but they told the public the case was closed. After investigating more, they found out Wilbur was the leader of a notorious gang, the L'manburgians."

Phil felt like he could just rip his hair out of his scalp. He had a gang leader live under his roof for eight whole months. And he thought he actually got through to him.

"That's not even the worst part Phil!" Sam said standing up abruptly. "Wilbur is 17, meaning that legally, he is still a child. Therefore he isn't aloud to be put in federal prison for a whole year! Meaning that Tom and Wilbur, two high ranking members from the same gang, are going to be staying at my prison! I tried to talk to the federal agents about this, but they said they legally couldn't do anything because Wilbur is still a child!"

There was a long, tense pause. Both of them were furious at the justice system, but still in shock.

"So if I'm only working on Toms case, who's working on Wilbur's?" Phil asked.

"It's classified, but apparently it's some new guy. I don't understand why they'd put so much pressure on some newbie!"

Phil just sighed and rubbed his temple. He checked the clock again. 4:38 am. Phil was honesty so tired he might just pass out on the desk right then and there.

Suddenly Ranboo came through the door with three cups of coffee. He passed the cups out to everyone, and they all got to work. They had a long day ahead of them.


wc: 1326

epic. I don't know when I'll upload next, but hopefully tomorrow, fingers crossed 🤞 also, I don't know if I mentioned this but this fix is based of off Billy Joel's song Vienna. its a banger, you should totally listen to it.

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