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TW: Brief mentions of self harm scars, and abuse.

The ride up to the station was silent, and not a comfortable silence. The officer with the pink hair kept glaring at Tom through the rear view mirror ever so often. Whenever Tommy caught the man in question, he would just return to looking at the street.

"This guys weird as shit."  Tom thought.

"So your Wilbur's brother?" 

The sudden noise startled Tommy. The guy with the braid was looking at him, waiting for an answer.

"Aren't you guys like not allowed to talk to me or whatever?" Tommy asked looking at his reflection in the mirror.

"Not really." The pink haired man said. "So, are you Wilbur's brother?"

"I mean... yeah." Tom said, looking at his feet. "But not legally. He just kinda.. took me under his wing I guess? Wait how do you know Wil?"

"He was one of my assigned juveniles." He said nonchalantly. "I remember when I had to escort him. He's a lot like you."

Tommy frowned a bit, and looked at his damaged jeans that  had an array of stains on it. Do I want to be like Wilbur? 

"Can you tell me more about him?" Tom asked, his voice sounding small.


"Can you tell me more about Wil? Back when he was.. sane?"

"Uhm sure." He said, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

"Wilbur was.. surprisingly sweet. When I heard about his case, i cant lie, I was a bit intimidated. But when he got into my backseat he just looked.. im not sure how to put it."

Tommy sighed. "Its fine."

"Uhm, but other than that.." The cop spoke, looking worried?" he was just kind of a dork. Sweet, sure, but a dork."

Tommy smiled a tiny bit at the officers quip. But the smile didn't last long.

"He didn't lash out at me or anything. He felt kind of like a old friend, y'know? When he left uhm.. I was a bit upset. I knew I shouldn't have been, because.. you don't want to be in juvy. No one wants to be stuck in prison. I guess I was just being selfish."

The silence on the car returned with vengeance.

"What's your name?" Tommy asked the cop.

"It's Technoblade. Officer Blade to you." He joked.

"Im Tom, or Tommy." He said, smiling a bit.

"Nice to meet you Tom.."

When they finally arrived at the prison, Tom had a horrible feeling in his stomach. I guess he just didn't think about what was going on until he actually got there. Tommy gulped as he stared out the window, looking at the barbed wire fence, and the huge brick building.

Officer Blade was talking to a person at the gate. Tom couldn't hear what they were saying, but he kept looking back at Tommy with guilt in his eyes.

"Well here it is," Blade said when he was done chatting. "Home sweet home."

Tommy was panicking a lot now. His mouth was dry, and he was sweating quite a lot.

"Hey." Techno said, staring back at Tom. "It'll be okay."

Techno was pretty shit at comforting people.

When the police car finally stopped, Tech got out and grabbed Tommy by his shoulders. Tom stepped out of the car and was rushed inside of the building. Techno dragged him into a room, a sat him down onto a chair.

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