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This is the new week at school.Day 5 of Dan's death.

"HELLO EVERYONE!!"Bren scream

Bren URIEE!!

"Hey Brendy!Howzit going,broh?"I ask

"Meh.Nothing much"said Bren in a bored mood

Then,Pete come with a gift.I forgot what happening in this day

"Hey Patrick!Today is the new class seat arrangement"said Pete exitedly

"Yeay!But today there's festival and I forgot to bring my headphones"I let a sad smile pop up

We're the new bestfriend couple in class.They say we're cute together.
Bailey,Andy and Joey come.Then,Pete hug them all.

"Hey guys!I think there's a new students today!"Gee shout

Then,Mr.Garret bring 3 cute guys

"Hey!I'm Daniel Howell and I'm 17.Call me Dan!"

"I'm Phillip Lester and I'm 17.Call me Phil!"

"I'm Nathaniel Ohio.Call me Nathan!And I'm 18"

"Phil,you sit next to Dan"

I'm so happy we get alot new friends!Then,today we can go home early because all the teachers have training.
After the school us over,we go to starbucks and then...

"Why the lights turn off?"I ask,confused

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATRICK MARTIN STUMPH!"every one else scream.I surprised

"Thank you!I'm 18 today!"

This is our best celebration.New friends,new age.

"Here,some gift from us"

I got new guitar picks from Andy.It's FOB designed!Joe give me new cardigan,new hats and fedoras and new glasses!Than,Pete gave me new shirts!And a new guitar!Thanks guys for all these presents!

"I love these!Thanks Pete for the guitar..Wow your money are lot boy!"

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