17 Years Later......

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I have become a successful label owner and a vocalist of a band.Then,there's something in my mailbox.I wear my sandals and take the mail.

Dear Daniel and Bailey,
This is Fall Out Boy and there's two tickets for you+m&g+backstage pass.We love you

Fall Out Boy

I scream and tell my sister

"Sis!We got Fall Out Boy's tickets!We're better get going!"She is so excited
"OMG really?Its been 17 years since we saw them!"said Bailey.We prepare and go to the concert.

"Dan!Bail!"say someone familiar.It's Patrick,carrying his white guitar to us.
"OMG Hi Patrick"We hug them.Pete with his black-red bass,Joe with his guitar and Andy with his drumsticks.
'What's your favourote song by us?"ask Pete.
"Mine is Save Rock and Roll and Bailey is Sugar,We're Goin Down"say me
"Oh and Milky Way just launched our 3rd album!The name is Galaxy.Tomorrow is the grand launching.Make sure to come!"they laughed.We go backstage and to the stage.We see some fans wearing MW merchandise.They look surprised seeing me here.
"Erm guys...The show is going to start right?We're going to wait in the first row"We walk off,waiting for the show to be start

"WHATS UP NEW YORK!Today we have two guests here!Daniel from Milky Way and his sister,Bailey!"said Pete!We need to come to the stage.
"Hello New York!Tomorrow is the Galaxy's grand launch!Make sure to come!It's at Fall Out Boy's meet and greet too!This is my sister Bailey,who create Hammingtons!Anyone wear Hammingtons bracelet?She is the maker!"I say.They scream and let us go.Then,after the show finish,we get Meet and Greet.We took three photos and signature of them in my two Galaxy album.I'm going to give them away.This is very amazing.I love it,and I enjoy it

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