𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝒯𝓌ℴ

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Readers POV:

Second day of being at this palace, and it's beautiful. The way the statues are hand made, the food cooked freshly each day, and my favorite the dance. The ballroom is decorated with roses at each table and everyone wears the fanciest clothes! I'm walking around the palace, trying to find the study when I run into a short boy?

"Oh dear! I'm sorry, are you alright?!" I quickly asked.

"Jeez, watch where your going please? You almost ran me over." The Male stated rather rudely.

"Again, I'm sorry Mr...?" I trailed off since I did not know his name.

"Vinny, and drop the 'Mr' will ya?" Vinny said.

"Yes of course, but could you maybe help me out?" I asked nervously.

"I guess." Vinny replied.

"Do you know where the study is..?" I chuckled nervously, rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yeah I do, come on." He started walking towards to double doors.

We walked in silence until we reach to the doors. He opened them up, and to my surprise there was books in every corner. My mouth gaped open but I quickly clammed shut when Vinny turned around.

"There, now if you excuse me I'm going to nap or steal. One of the two." He said and then left.

Once I heard the doors shut I ran towards one of the shelf's that said [insert your favorite type of book theme]. I quickly grabbed one of the books that a black laced front to it. I flipped through the pages, but this book just didn't seem interesting. So I put it back, still looking around I found a book that piqued my interest but sadly it was in the top shelf and there was no ladder. I tried reaching for it by climbing the shelf but then it started falling back. I knew that this was it, I would die by a bookshelf and not some hot person. I fell back waiting for the impact by the floor but it never came.

Instead, I was in the arms of Zax! Oh god this is embarrassing.
"Are you alright?" He asked, clearly concerned.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I replied, still in shock.

"You know if you needed help getting a book down you could've just asked me." He chuckled.

"Yeah..hehe" I chuckled.

"Well, as Long As your not hurt I can't be mad at you." He said and smiled.

"Could you uh..put me down now?" I asked politely.

"Oh of course." He replied and then gently putting me down.

He then handed me the book I wanted, my eyes glittered at the book covered then looking back at him.

"Thank you." I asked.

"No problem, I hope to see you at the ball tonight.

And with that he leaves, I hope to see him as well. He was a very pretty man, one I bet he has had a lot of ladies or men ask him out but hopefully he could ask me.

[ THE END (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) ]

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