𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝒩𝒾𝓃ℯ

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Reader POV:

I woke up with a horrible migraine. I quickly get dressed then heading to the doctors office. When I walk through the doors I notice everyone surrounded by one of the beds. I walked over, seeing Mae, Alex, and Ella.

"What happened?" I ask getting the attention of them.

"Zax got injured thinking it was a good idea to use his magic when the curse is getting-." Alex stopped, realizing I didn't know what curse she was talking about.

"What curse? I didn't know he had a curse." I walked closer.

"Of course you didn't because your probably too dumb to understand." Mae scoffed.

"Shut bitch." I glared at her.

We started arguing, Alex had left and Ella was still here.

"Whatever, I'm only here for medicine so you can be alone with your pRiNce." I whipped around and walked to shelf with medicine on it.

Out of rage, Mae had left with Ella following. I yanked a bottle off the shelf, popping off the lid.

"Got a headache?" Zax sat up, covered in bandages.

"Yes." I turned around, walking to the chair next to the bed he was laying in.

"What curse Zax, and don't lie either." I looked at him.

"I guess I can't keep it from you forever." He sighed looking at me.

I sat down in the chair next to the bed, taking the pill with a glass of water.

3rd person POV:

Zax started off on how his aunt taught him how to speak any languages and  normal school things. He wasn't aloud to go to school though, his mother thought her son was too perfect to go to a public school with the peasant kids. Xiao and Tamaki, his brothers went the public school though. She didn't care much for those two, she said they had failed her expectations.  She treated Zax manly like a god, to her he was perfect. The perfect son she always wanted. Although, when Zax got older he realized the cruelty in his mother. He finally came to his senses and saw what Xiao and Tamaki had been through. Soon, on Zax's 16th birthday she had a surprise for him. He was blindfolded and sat down into a chair, not being able to see worried him. His mother began saying an ancient spell, binding him and his brother Xiao together until the end of time. She though giving Xiaos life span would make Zax live longer but it did not.
Zax went insane that night, his own brother turned demon and living inside of him. He grabbed a knife, and stabbed his mother about 34-33 times until he was satisfied. Grabbing his mothers spell book he left Tamaki alone with the maid, that he trusted very much. Zax arrived to a new palace with a fresh start. Little did he know that the curse placed by his mother would worsen over the years. He became a god, to become a god wasn't easy. He had to everything in his power for it to happen. He attacked his friends, earned a sidekick named vinny. His friends saved him from becoming the villain. And that's all he says to [insert name].

Readers POV:

"I see, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I'll try my best to help you out."

Zax chuckles then patting my head, "No need, your company is plenty help."



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