Chapter 4: the honorable liar? Captain usopp!

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It's been a couple of days since the defeat of buggy as we see the strawhats as they hit a island

Xander POV

Xander: sweet finally land

Lucy: food!

Nami: absolutely not

All: huh?

Nami: we need to get a ship if we're going to the grand line

Xander: that's true

As we get off the ship we hear a voice

???: this village is under the protection of the usopp pirates!

Xander: yohohoi yohohoi hoi~ [smirks] if it's a fight you want then bring it

???: w-what?!

Just then a girl walks out from some bushes on top of a mountain

Just then a girl walks out from some bushes on top of a mountain

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Not mine

???: m-my 80 million men will squash you like bugs

Lucy: awesome!

Nami: you expect us to believe that?

???: ah! She knows!

As she starts to back up she slips and falls off of the mountain

Xander: hey look out!

I run and catch her just before she could hit the ground

Xander: you okay?

???: [blushing] y-yeah

???: we'll be back captain!

Just then three kids run away while screaming

???: y-you cowards!

Xander: I take it that was your crew?

???: y-yeah

Xander: let's start over [sets her down] we're just looking for some food and a ship to buy. Do you know of anywhere we can buy that?

???: y-yeah follow me


We were now in a restaurant eating food while talking to the girl whose name is usopp as Lucy talks about a man who is usopp's dad

Usopp: I can't believe you know my dad!

Lucy: yeah he's pretty cool [takes bite of meat] he told me he had a daughter

Usopp: wow he talked about me?

Xander: [eats apple] man this is good

Usopp: I know right [blushing] thanks for saving me

Xander: [smiles] it's no problem

Nami: so do you know anyone who could provide us with a decent ship?

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