Our Love is Immaculate

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Kakyoin enters his local crack head GayMart with the intention of buying red Jotaro-proof thongs. He steps over the many used heroin needles lying about. Kakyoin breathes in the atmosphere around him. "Ah, yes, piss, my favorite scent!" he proclaims. He wanders around the completely dead isles, in search of his beloved thongs. He walks into the lingerie section... but.. The shelves.. Are empty!? He screamed and fell backwards. "It-It can't be!" There were absolutely no thongs in sight, quite the horrifying discovery if I do say so.

A man, whomst has blonde hair and purple triangles under his eyes, heard these cries of agony and rushed over to the stinky cherry man. Rushed over in a very gay and homosexual way. The cherry man sat in a puddle of his own piss as he screamed. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" The blonde man asked the piss covered man on the floor.

The pissed covered fruitcake looked up at him with dewy eyes. "MY THONGS ARE GONE MISTER! I'LL SUCK UR COCK IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE U CAN GIVE ME!" the weirdo screamed. "Woah. Hold on. That's fucking gay." The blonde man said, he was kinda homophobic gasp. But.. Deep down all he longed for was the touch of a strong man. It's heartbreaking, isn't it?

With a strong glare, the blondie, whomest nametag screams CAESAR ZEPPELI, picks the gay, erotic, loser off the floor by his hair and drags him to the back alley of the GayMart where suspicious gay things happen. Like what was about to happen. Caesar grabbed the fucking weird ass stinky bitch cherry hoe off the floor and body-slammed him before curb stomping him.

The ugly, stinky, smelly, hobbit lookin ass, cherry boi screams bloody murder. Then, a hot, smexy, buff man comes there. He looks at the cherry boi and smirks. "OH MY, JOSEPH! Help me!" Caesar shouts. "Don't worry bb i gotchu." Joseph says before strutting over with his hips swinging side to side and his boobs boobieing. Stinky cherry man gasps at the man walking towards him and his boobieing boobies. Joseph begins beating the actual shit out of stinky boy with his big strong muscles.

Eventually, he pulled out a knife and stabbed the disgusting little man. "Heh, that's not a knoif...... THIS IS A KNOIF!!!!" the piss boy shouts as he whips out his massive dong. Joseph and Caesar scream as they cover their eyes. "I'M NOT GAY!! NO FUCKING STOP IT YOU NASTY ASS HOE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!?" Caesar screamed in agony.

"It's the power of gay love." Jotaro said as he appeared out of fucking no where. "Oh my gah! Jowtawrow uwu." that ugly little rat said. "You know I'll always be here for u bb i love u even tho you smell like actual piss." Jotaro said as he hugged the stinky boi. "NO!! STOPPIT!! I AM A RAGING HOMOPHOBE!!!" Joseph screamed as he backed away in fear.

Caesar sighs. "Maybe it doesn't have to be this way." he says as he looks at Joseph with longing in his eyes. They inch closer. And eventually fall into an embrace. "C-Caesar uwu.." Joseph says as they look into each other's eyes. Then they started furiously making out like oh my god get a fucking room weirdos. Maybe even get 7 of them because yall are too fucking loud with yo slurrping and sucking sounds little fruitcakes.

"Kakyoin.. I'm so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen.." Jotaro said as he caressed his little stinky boy. "I promise I'll stop eating your thongs, I love you too much to lose you." They both began to cry. "You mean it?" Stinky ass bitch cherry man asked. "I do, I love you."

They start shaggin right then right there. It was a horrific sight to see because they both had several STDs, but they avoided the many heroin needles on the ground. Instead, they rolled around in the homeless people's vomit.

Caesar and Joseph threw up and quickly became a homophobic gay couple. They loved nothing more than each other and beating up gay people before fucking on their corpses. And they all lived gayly ever after.

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