Sorry I haven't posted

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So I almost died o was sick for two weeks during the time I was going to write and post a chapter and it took time to get me back i the range of thing because if you do know I have I really rare immune disorder and the only way the doctor can only find out if it's a new disorder it for me to almost die or lose a limb which is dumb to me also I had pneumonia which is very dangerous for someone like me any way I'm ok now still have a lot of problems but nothing I can't handle plus my mom is not letting me in school for two months to make sure   I'm ok which I hate but at least I can write more chapters I will try to do two chapters per month but I hope y'all doing well new chapter is coming out this week unless I die but who cares I'm living the most of it

169 words have I great day halo 😊

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