It a vote

60 4 0

Tommy's POV

" What..."  Everything went silent, "Come on sweetheart let go back and ok" puffy say running to dream "ok" he said tiredly as puffy pick him up and and left. No one was talking everyone was shock except Phil, techno, puffy niki, Tubbo, Ranboo, ponk who just look away from foolish how look like he was going the turn me into a salad if I said anything else. Everyone just stood there until someone clear there voice " ok let's vote who ever wants to keep dream in prison write you name and put in this block," the monotone voice belonging to eret said holding up a red box "and the one want to let him out in this on" he said as place the green box on the table labeling it a "let out" and the other on as "stay". " I go first," she states as they wrote there name and put it in the "let out" box. "What the f...unge"  watching the muffin loving demon  flair his wings lowly growling at the teen.

Eret POV

"Ok enough get to voteing and tomorrow we have our answer ok ," I say. Why not today." George ask angrily. It's better if we clear our heads for the answer ok" I say a little bit agated. Ok is next bad and skeppy said as they there way up there blocking the box form view as they slip there name into the "let out" box winking at me smiling before they left. I smile "Ok whose next" I say as niki got up to vote.

Time skip

"Ok your last tommy," He got up nervous, "Are you ok," I ask "y-yea just..." he trails off "it just was that really dream." Yea..." I said looking down remembering all the bruise and cut on he body that look malnourished. He looks down and put the card in the "let out" box. "Tommy" I looked at him with shock' "Really your vote for him get out" I asked happily. "Yea what every happened to him in there I want to know it got to be bad if Tubbo was on there side," he says with a smile. "Ok lets go see him "Phil ask me if I want to." I ask  "Hell yea let go," he said as he grab me running though the halls until we heard voice. "Sup fuck..." he stopped mid-sentence. We stare in shock . 


"Is he ok."

Word count 4
Yes on time posting I had forgot about this and speedrun making this during school but yea the dream team is actually together I been waiting for this for ever but yea hope your doing well ok love you bye halo's

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