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— I'M TIRED OF THIS Joe- the girl sobbed on her brother's lap, he sighed and caressed her head softly.
     – I'm sorry to hear this sweetheart- Joseph said while Violet hugged her teddy bear tightly on her chest.
     – Why can't they just leave me alone? I didn't do anything wrong Joe! He was the one that hit me and screamed at me, and... and...- she sobbed and Joseph again sighed and pulled the girl to his arms.
     – You don't deserve it Vi- he said and the girl hugged him tightly- Don't listen to them, we know what really happened and mostly important, you know what happened- Joseph softly leave a kiss on her head, Violet just found comfort on her brother's arms.
– Am I really the problem Joe?- she asked and Joseph's heart shattered.
– No, God, of course not Vi- he looked at her- You just have a way too kind heart, that lead you to pain, but you'll never be the problem, they were the problem and you know that- her brother hated how people treated her, when she was happy and people ruined her perfect smile, Joseph simply flipped, in his head, he never understood why. Violet was the kindest person in this whole world to him, how she begged to go help a Children's Shelter or any institution that came on her way, was truly beautiful on his eyes.
That was Violet, the same little girl that on her 10's, donated all her allowance to help build a home for street pets. Their parents never supported her or even had the nerve to talk to Violet, fortunately she always had her big brother, her salvation, her everything, Joseph Quinn.

The boy truly loved his sister, when he raised enough money with his movies and shows, the first thing he promised the dreamy girl was that he will help her, with everything and anything, forever.
Violet praised her brother more than she praised her own self, it was always like this, first her brother, second her friends and after everything, her. No one could explain how she could think so low of herself, Joseph always blamed his parents for this, they always turned down or criticised anything the girl did for them. Her friends, partly blamed her family, but mostly, they blamed the haters, they despised deeply, how they could turn the smily girl on a crying mess.

Jenna met Violet accidentally in a coffee shop when she traveled to London, she admired Violet when she laid her eyes on her. People always theorised that Violet and Finn were a thing, making the three of them laugh, because they knew that behind the story, actually Violet and Jenna were a thing, Violet's bisexuality was never a secret to anyone, she and Jenna were a little romance that ended up in a friendship, a really strong one, where Jenna could easily destroy worlds for Violet and Violet would do the same for Jenna.
Funny thing is, they started to talk because of one of their worst problems. Jacob Sartorious, that boy cheated on Jenna and turned Violet's life a living hell, they had that shared hate for the sick excuse of a man.

Jenna, like Joseph, never understood why everyone suddenly turned against Violet, was it because of her brother trending on the internet? The jealousy because Violet could have anything on the palm of her hand but chose to have a normal teenagers life? Was it all about jealousy?
No one knew, but something they were 100% sure, Violet was delicate. She was like a flower, strong, but a simple thing can destroy her, even if she didn't showed how hurt she was.
Until she broke.

Oh they can all fuck off, seriously- Finn said through her phone, he called her the minute he stopped filming.
– I know right?- Joseph said behind Violet while he was braiding the girl's hair.
Hey, changing subject, who is the guy hm?- Finn smirked- I watched Wednesday just to judge him- he laughed with Violet's face. The eyes widen and her cheeks red.
– Yeah, who is he?- Joseph asked and Violet covered her face laughing.
– Okay, so... after I downloaded Instagram, I stalked Jenna and she posted a video with a really cute guy, I watched Wednesday and was like "damn he's cute", so I sent a message to Jenna and she added me in a group chat, where we talked and me and Georgie started to talk privately sometimes and.... yeah, he's cool and really pretty too...- she talked with a goofy smile on her face, the two boys looked at each other through the phone.

– Interesting...- her brother chuckled.
He breaks your heart and I'll personally kill him, I'm serious, working in so many horror movies made me gain experience in certain things....- Finn trailed off and the siblings laughed.

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