The HARSH truth

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Let's get started.
_________________________________________'s gas. One thing. One key word that the man said and he forgot. A trap. He said about it.

There was a large bomb strapped to the chair. And if he was right then there might be more here.


His fear compounded exponentially while he watched with his own eyes as the fuse for the bomb was triggered.


That sound wasn't just coming from underneath the chair. Boboiboy could hear the hisses of his impending doom from all directions, which could only mean one thing...

The whole place is rigged.



The whole damn warehouse blew up in smithereens. The blast was so big that it sent strong shockwaves in all directions. Even the waves that were coming to seashore were shaken off from their rhythm from the strong shockwaves that repelled them. Nothing was left. No man. No warehouse. Not even a skeleton was left.

All that could be seen was a large wall of flame. No. Not a wall rather a sea of flame that engulfed everything. At first it was only the warehouse but no. It started engulfing more and more. In the space of a few nanoseconds, the chain reaction grew a million times more powerful than the implosion that had triggered it.

Heat, radiation, and mechanical force erupted outward in a thunderous explosion of atomic energy.

But it didn't stop there. The mechanical force and radiation of the primary stage attacked everything nearby. Needless to say everything was burned to ashes. Nothing was left to say as nothing was left to describe. The fireball and shock wave grew, and everything they touched was obliterated. Every living creature within their hideous circle of effect was instantly incinerated.

And the telltale mushroom cloud, not seen in battle since the annihilation of Nagasaki, climbed toward the pitch black sky of Japan.

That's the day Boboiboy learned-

They say that fire leaves nothing behind.

Boboiboy looked at the colossal wall of flame which was burning intensely as if it was never about to run out. All he could smell was ashes that permeated the air. The smoke which looked like a black cloud covering the full moon. It was choking. Boboiboy couldn't feel if he had air in his lungs or not because they felt too heavy for Boboiboy to breath. The heat rolled off in waves and his skin felt like 10000s of needles are being used to stab him.

His skin was charred and his clothes were mildly burned. The smell of silk and cotton burning produced such an awful smell that anyone nearby would have liked to puke. Thankfully there were no burn scars but there were burn marks of 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Especially on his chest and forearms. It was tough to even move them a little. It felt like his skin was burnt to a crisp and was so tender that even touching a little would produce a shower of blood from it.

Even then he clenched his fist.

No. They are wrong.

Boboiboy turned around as his wounds started to heal and his clothes started to knit themselves again, courtesy of Time who was reversing everything that happened to Boboiboy in the last few minutes.

The Elemental Hero : BOBOIBOY Where stories live. Discover now