Chapter 37

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After security drops me at the train station, I go my own way. I end up buying a prepaid phone and catching a train to central station. From there I catch a taxi to the next suburb where I get dropped off three blocks from the apartment building I'll be staying at.

I do everything as Nonna told me to. As strange as it is to go to such extremes, it's worth it if it means no one will discover my location.

Once the door man allows me inside, I waste no time taking the elevator up to the tenth floor with my case dragging behind me. As I exit the elevator, a couple in their twenties separate to let me pass them. But as I yank on the case, my bag falls to the floor.

"Let me," the guy says as he picks my bag up and sets it back on the top of the case. "You a backpacker?" he asks.

"Me," I say, trying not to focus on the tattooed tear drop under his eye. "No. I'm born here. Only new to the building. Thank you, though." I pull my case along behind me, passing the female as she eyes me up with her purple hair and heavy makeup.

I waste no time finding my apartment and entering my new abode. My eyes run around the compact and fully furnished living area, wondering how the hell I'll stay here without getting bored. From there, I do a quick tour of the flat, which takes two seconds since it consists of one bedroom and a tiny bathroom.

Even though I'm tired and in need of a rest and recharge, I decide to tackle my next task, chasing the sheet around the double bed mattress. I get the bed made, not to my normal standards, but it will do. Once I dump the pillows at the head of the bed, I collapse on it. Then I pull the pillow up and stare at the screen of my phone.

I do a quick search for the closeted supermarket, only to discover it's a 6km walk there and back from my current location. Which means catching another Uber since I'm not up to walking that distance while carrying an arm full of groceries with one arm. I'll be out of cash sooner than expected with all these Ubers and unexpected expenses. And using my credit card isn't a possibility, since I don't want Rico knowing where I am.

As of now, I'm on a budget and I mean it'll be tighter than a Spanx bodysuit. Good thing I'm a fan of basic food. I only wish I were able to order my groceries online and have it delivered. I should have asked Nonna if she had an empty apartment near a supermarket since she has a whooping 125 rental properties.

With so many options, I could hide out for weeks or months without Rico finding me.

The next couple of days go by without a problem-boredom being my biggest issue. Besides the nurses' daily visits, I watch T. V, read, and ponder life and what I want from it if I should live through being married. I didn't come up with much except for wanting happiness. And after everything I've been through, it's at the top of my list. Only I'm not sure how happy I would be without Rico now.

Day seven, and still no Nonna. Either she's forgotten me, or she hasn't had the chance to come. And I won't lie. I've been looking forward to seeing her since the nurse isn't much of a talker.

Three more days pass and another trip to the supermarket comes and goes. Still no word from Nonna. If she doesn't come soon, I'll be out of food and money. Plus, I'm going crazy from being indoors all the time. I need human contact - conversation - laughter.

I decide to walk to the payphone and call my mother since I need a familiar voice. She picks up after a couple of rings.


"Ma. It's me, Alexis. How are you-how is everyone?"

She breathes into the phone. "I've been so worried about you. You have no idea how upsetting it is for a mother to not hear from her missing child for over two weeks?"

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