Chapter One

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Nightcore version of Wrong Side of Heaven because the original is copywrited ;)

Anyways, this story is AFTER Dally's and Johnny's death, where they were sent up to Heaven and back down, and I won't say anymore because that would ruin the story! I might also make one where, after the church fire, Johnny's back wasn't broken and he didn't suffer insanely terrible shock and burns, ect.. So, enjoy my first story, I suppose ^^ !!


~~~~~~~DALLAS P.O.V.~~~~~~~

I opened my eyes and was struck by a bright, blinding light. Wasn't I just shot? I thought to myself, and I looked down. There was no blood, no bullet holes.

"The hell?" I snapped, standing up abruptly. I looked around, but only saw white. I didn't want some kind of 'new life', I wanted to die. Unless... This is death.

Ain't Hell supposed to be bleak and a fiery inferno that consumes me, and forces me into an eternity of pain and suffering? Oh hell naw, I grit my teeth, I hope I ain't where I think I am.

As if right on queue, I see a gate appear. I walk toward it without hesitation, and stand before it.

It opens.

"I think y'all got something wrong here," I protest to no one, as if someone out there would hear and send me elsewhere, "I killed people, jumped kids, got shot by the fuzz. I ain't supposed to be here, man."

The gates stayed open. This got to be a mistake right? Me, Dallas Winston, the man with a police record a mile long, with eyes full of hatred for the world around him, am in Heaven?

Feeling slightly disturbed, I stride through the gates that loom high. As soon as I step through, I'm hit with another blinding, white light.

When I can see, I'm awestruck with the sight before me. Darry, Sodapop, Ponyboy, Two-Bit were just walking along.

But they didn't see me at all, instead they walked right through me.

"What..." I breathed out, looking after them, "They can't see me, can they?" I didn't expect an answer... but I got one.

"Because you're dead, Dally... Humans don't see dead people." I turn around. A grin spreads across my face, and I am suddenly glad that I was thrown back down from above.

"Hey, Johnnycake."

He had the same jean jacket, scar, hair, everything. Johnny Cade, in the flesh, was alive before me. Well, alive isn't a good term to use. Undead? Hell if I know. All I know is Johnny was standing in front of me when, before, he had died in front of me, covered in a white sheet. He didn't have the burn scars from then, just like I didn't have bullets going through my chest. Man, that would have looked tuff, though.

"You know what we're doing, well, here?" I questioned, folding my arms over my chest.

"No clue," He whispered, in his usual quiet voice, "But all I know is they can't see us... or touch us." That would be annoying, more annoying than Two-Bit when he's drunk. I swore under my breath, running my hands through my hair.

"While were here, let's at least watch those idiots. Them kids are gonna get in trouble, and you know it."

"Yeah." He nodded, smiling. He walked up to me, and I ruffled his black hair.

"Let's get goin'." Side by side, a hood and a hero, we walked silently after our gang, who had no idea we were there. Maybe death is worse than I thought it to be; forced to be invisible to everyone around you and live in solitude for eternity. That is cruel and unusual punishment, even the electric chair would be better than that. I scowled, shoved my hands in my jacket pockets, and silently walked in the footsteps of the four in front of me, Johnny by my side.

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