We see everyone enjoying their time because hades was stopped.
Rias: thanks to all who are present here I would like to announce something.
Everyone paid attention to her announcement.
Rias: me and my peerage including sona and her peerage together with lady serafall, lady yasaka, lady elmenhilde, kuroka, Le fay, ophis, ravel, tiamat and irina will be engaged to our beloved and new pillar Kevin within two months from now.
Everyone cheered for that news.
Rias: and that pathetic former red dragon is no more.
Xenovia: we will have very strong children dear. - approaching him in a sensual way.
Kevin: what ever you say dear.- kisses her on the lips.
Though from a far two heiress were looking at the situation with disappointment those were seekavaira agares and latia astaroth
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Seekavaira: latia let's get out of here this people are annoying.- she looks at her cousin.
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Latia: Indeed let's get out of here though let's hope Lavinia was able to save issei.
They both teleported away with the use of a magic circle without anyone realizing they were gone.
(Black dog bar)
The two heiress arrived and saw everyone in a table comforting Lavinia.
Seekavaira: where's issei?- she looks around and tried to sense his presence.
Latia: indeed where is he?
????: *sniff* issei died.
The two heiress looks behind them and saw Valery along with penemue and Gabriel.
Seekavaira: what do you mean his dead? - she approached her and grabbed her by the collar and pinned her against a wall - and what the hell are you doing here infact what are you three doing here?
Valery: I just wanted to help issei.
Seekavaira: don't fuck with me what do you mean help after what you've done I highly doubt that - she looks at the other two - infact you two as well - she looks at Valery- maybe you three are here to spy on us tell your leaders about our plans and that we are sided with issei and not them.