"What?" I heard simultaneously. They were still holding me down. Freaks.
"ANNA BEAR!" I screamed and they all flinched. I began thrashing around again.
"Don't. Make. Me." Louis said.
Don't make me what? You are so weird Lou. Oh my beejeezuzz. I started to growl. I have no idea why but I do that when I am getting all emotional. I was growling and watching the boys look at each other with fear. I mentally smirked. I started thrashing around kicking and screaming and still growling. Then I relaxed and watched the boys sigh in relieve from under me.
I whispered "Boys"
They all leaned in.
Again I said "Boys."
they looked at me curiously.
Once they were really close to me, I screamed the loudest I possible could, I thought my lungs were going to burst. I started kicking and making ninja sounds while I wiggled out of their grips. I started for the van doors while the boys started yelling my name. I jumped out f the moving van and ran as fast as I could. I walked up to mcdonalds. I was so happy.
Louis's POV
She just got away! What were we thinking?! She was strangely growling like a freak and we were holding her down. I thought she realized she could never escape because after all, we are kidnappers. But she screamed and it caught us all off guard and she jumped out of the van and landed on her feet. Is she a gymnast or something? We did not wanna look for her on foot so we slowly followed behind her in the van. She didn't even notice. Then she walked towards mcdonalds.
I knew exactly what was wrong.
"Hey Niall, gimme your extra stash of oreos." I said.
He huffed and handed the over. We drove up to her and when she saw us, she stuck her tongue out. We were watching her every move, I could tellshe was becoming nervous. I rolled down my window and said
"Come here J. We won't hurt you!"
She scoffed and turned around.
"I guess it's plan B guys." I said
She turned around waiting for us to grab her, but that was plan C. I lifted up the Oreos so she could see and she eyed them hungrily. I knew it! I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT YES I DA MASTAAAAA I KNEW IT I KNEW SHE JUST WANTED FOOD. FOOD IS HER WEAKNESS. PLUS SHE IS TICKLISH! DOUBLE SCORE OH YES. I smirked as she hot closer. We were luring her to the van with the Oreos and soon enough, she was sitting next to us eating them
Niall looked at the almost empty box of Oreos and frowned. I felt bad but it was the only way to get her back!
I calmly asked her. "Who is the Anna Bear you named earlier love?"
She simply replied "My best friend."
Jackie's POV
After Lou had asked me about Anna Bear, I started to become tense. I knew I had left her behind, but not purposely. Those boys learned my addiction to food so quickly that now I know I will never escape. I hope they forget about the tickling incident.
Either way I'm stil kidnapped. I am not even gonna bother to leave. I mean, sure I will try but use some drama to see if people really believed me at the mall or something. I have always loved confusing people! Hehehehehehehehheheheheheheheh.
Anywhooo, I said "Guys, if you are kidnapping me, can you kidnap Anna Bear too? I will kill to see her reaction when she realizes I'm not there and she is being kidnapped. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee" I asked, dragging out the 'e'.
Soon they agreed and I got in my seat ready to kidnap some gurl.
Hey guise!
Like my story!?
Alrighty then.
Anywhooo, wanna see what happens to Anna Bear?!
Hehe I'm excited :D
Well bi!
~Shanizzle xoxo