Knock at the Door

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Naruto's PoV-

I go and twist the handle, before I see who it is, I feel a warm embrace and a very familiar scent...It's Sakura! A smile grows quickly on my face. "Naruto! It's been so long, I miss you so much! How are you coping with life, are you okay?!" I push her, still grabbing her by her shoulder. "Sakura, calm down. Come in.." I say gesturing at her to enter. A young kid and another woman enter. Umm, ok? They all sit at the table. The little girl happily eating the biscuits and the other woman talking to someone on the phone. "Naruto, it's been almost 11 years since I last saw you. After your parent's death, I really wanted to come see you, but you were never there! Were you at Sasuke's all these years?!" She asks in shock. "Yes Sakura, believe it or not, I have been imprisoned there for half my life." I say looking down. "Naruto, I want to help you as much as I can, come work for the company I work at. Let's see eachother more often." She says touching my hands. This warm embrace is very nostalgic, I miss you so much Sakura. "Sakura, you know I don't have any crazy knowledge." I say grabbing her hands instead. "What will they hire me for?!" "Well, I will get you in somehow!" 'but that means I have to quit my job at Seina, should I do this?' I sigh, "I will have to think about this Sakura." She smiles and says, "take your time, my dear Naruto."

Time Skip

I wave at Sakura and the two figures with her as she makes her way down the isle.

Meanwhile with Sasuke-
Flashback from 3 years ago-
Sasuke's PoV-

I place my hands on Naruto's thigh. "Your prettier than any one I embraced." I say licking his ears. He grunts and pushes me. "What do you mean 'prettier', your with other people?! If you have time for other people, then let me go!" He starts throwing a tantrum and getting mad. "So your saying your jealous?" I ask smirking. My hand making its way to his crotch. He pushes my hand. I use the other hand to grab both his hands and put it behind him. "I'm not jealous! I'm simply being reasonable." He says, his face muscles start getting stiff. "And let me go!" He says struggling to get off my grip. "Lets have sex" I say casually taking off his clothes and tying his hands and mouth. He keeps mumbling a bunch of muffled words. He sounds mad. His eyes start to tear and the drops of water run down his face. Why is he crying. What was he saying. "Naruto?" I say taking off the knot in his mouth. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" He says, everytime getting louder. "Naruto, calm down." He's been getting panic attacks lately, it's a bit concerning. He starts hyperventilating and wheezing, trying to make out words like 'i hate you' and 'dont touch me'. He suddenly passes out. Shit! Not again. "SHIT!" I cry out, itachi comes running after hearing my call. "What wrong?- oh shit, did he faint again?!" He says carrying Naruto, placing his on the bed. "Sasuke you have to stop doing this." He says taking off the knots in his hands. "They are too tight." He says caressing Naruto's wrists and shaking him to make him wake up. Tsk, why is he touching Naruto, MY NARUTO?

Back to present-
Sasuke PoV-

'MY NARUTO' Tsk, if only it was still like this. 'I feel like I lost a huge part of myself.'

Naruto's PoV-

'I feel like I lost a huge part of myself'. "Sasuke, why do you keep appearing in my mind whenever anything happens?" I ask myself looking out the window. This is depressing. I get up and leave the house. I make my way to the ice-cream store. I see a bunch of familiar heads to the booth next to me. They laugh, these laughs are very nostalgic. I spot Sakura's head. Someone taps my back. "Hey, that is my seat." A guy similar to Sasuke says as he sits down next to me. He starts eating his icecream. "Sorry, I'll go." I say getting up, he holds my wrist. "You can stay, I was just informing you so I could sit. I'm not that mean." He says turning back to his icecream. The waitress gets me my popsicle and I sit down. This is awkward.

Sai's PoV-

He starts sucking on his popsicle, thats a bit erotic. Isn't this the dude I spotted with Sasuke that one time in the office?. "Your very feminine, are you gay?" I ask making his hair away from his face. He pulls out the popsicle and a strand of saliva connects the popsicle to his mouth. "What?!" He says turning to face me. "Are you Sasuke's boyfriend?" That probably caught him off guard. He's very pretty for a man. He stares at me with terrified eyes. "He's on his way here." He gets up, and rushes out the building. Heh, cute. No wonder Sasuke fell for him. I hope they don't crash into eachother.

Naruto's PoV-

What the heck? What was that? I rush back to make my way home. I bump into something and fall to the ground of the sidewalk, my long locks cover my eyes as I stare at the figure. His physique is close to that of Sasuke's. is Sasuke.

Sasuke's PoV-

Naruto stares at me in surprise. I do the same. My heart suddenly starts to heat up as I look into his terrified eyes. "Naruto." I say calmly but he starts teraing up and running off somewhere.

Naruto's PoV-

What the heck. My lungs cramped and I feel out of breath. I hear fast footsteps following me. I enter an ally and stumble from the turn. Bumping my head on the pavement. My bare knees scraping the cold cement and opening my skin. I whimper at two things, the pain in my head and knees, and the fact that Sasuke's right behind me. My whole body feels like its about to fall into a never ending tunnel. I slowly turn my head around to find Sasuke standing there, panting and wiping his breath. He finally gazes at my sight on the floor. I turn around fully and start moving to the back. Until I reach the wall. He's 2 cm Infront of my body. He squats, getting on his tippy toes. He looks at me once and suddenly tears start dripping down his face...

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