X - Into the Mist

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The Four Spirits were journeying back to the Spirit Tree, embarking on a new quest towards the Valley of Winds. Their next objective was clear: to Restore the Element of Wind. "Sein, are you feeling alright?" Fil inquired, concern lacing his voice as he noticed her sluggish demeanor, which seemed far from alert.

"Huh... I'm okay, I suppose..." Sein muttered, barely managing to rub the sleep from her eyes, garnering worried looks from the trio accompanying her. "Sein, I'm aware you stood watch last night, but... did you manage to get even a few hours of rest?" Fil probed, his eyes searching hers for the truth, as her eyes drifted to the side.

Fil let out a heavy sigh. "It's crucial, standing guard, but I can't shake the feeling you're using it as a guise to reflect on the events that happened within the Ginso Tree," he gently accused, aiming his words carefully at Sein, who couldn't help but feel a sting at his observation.

It was an undeniable truth, yet Sein couldn't mask her irritation when Fil pointed it out. Silently, her gaze drifted away, and she subtly tilted her head, a clear sign of her annoyance. She caught Fil's eye again as he added softly, "You're aware, a weary Spirit's judgment is clouded, and their temper, shorter than usual," reminding her of the importance of self-care amidst their trials.

"... yeah..." Sein murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she absentmindedly rubbed one arm. Fil let out a sigh of relief, the tension in his shoulders visibly easing. "Good, we'll take some time to rest at the Spirit Tree before we decide our next steps," Fil announced, a tone of gentle leadership in his voice as the four spirits resumed their journey with renewed purpose.

After a time, their journey led them to the Spirit Tree. "Sein, please, take your rest by the Spirit Tree. The rest of us will head to the Spirit Well," Fil instructed, his voice carrying a mix of authority and concern. Sein offered a weary nod, her steps slow as she approached one of the tree's massive roots, leaning against it to find solace and rest in its ancient embrace.

The remaining three spirits made their way to the nearby Spirit Well, the mood amongst them somber. "I can't really fault Sein for feeling so overwhelmed," Reem finally broke the silence, his words drawing understanding nods from the others. "After all, she is the guardian eye of the forest, tasked with the protection of Nibel's spirits. Yet, facing the Dark Owl, she found herself at a loss," he continued, his voice a mixture of sympathy and respect for Sein's burdens.

"heh... hearing you express sympathy is quite the novelty..." Fil teased, a light chuckle escaping him as he observed Reem's reaction. However, Fil's amusement was short-lived as he received a sharp glare from Reem, the air between them charged with a sudden tension. "Ah... eh, s-sorry," Fil swiftly altered his tone, his voice softening as he lowered his gaze, attempting to dodge the intensity of Reem's stare.

"Thinking about it, I've encountered rumors that you, Reem, could single-handedly fend off a legion," Leru suddenly interjected, her eyes locked on Reem with a mix of awe and curiosity. "If you possess such formidable power, why then did you hold back during our skirmish with the Ghouls?" Leru probed, her question hanging in the air, laden with intrigue and unspoken questions.

Reem exhaled deeply, the weight of the conversation settling on his shoulders. "There is wisdom in concealing your true strength, unleashing it upon the enemy when they least anticipate," Reem began, his tone carrying a note of solemnity. "This is the very reason Sein didn't fully exert her powers initially, a tactic I presumed was evident to all of you," Reem pointed out, his words meant to enlighten as much as to chide gently.

"Though I possessed the capability to unleash my full might, I misjudged the necessity of such action... and, well, we all know the consequences," Reem admitted, his voice tinged with regret as he took a moment to collect his thoughts. "You're not alone in bearing the weight of what transpired. I, too, recognize that I could have contributed more," Leru conceded, her sigh mirroring Reem's, in a shared moment of introspection and mutual understanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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