Chapter 4

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Izuku walked in the classroom to be met with a blue haired kid yelling at Bakugo to get off the desk. Bakugo launched an explosion at the blue haired boy which shut him up. The bluenette dusted himself off before he noticed Izuku and walked over to him.

Iida: It's you again. Ah sorry my names Tenya Iida; i just wanted to apologize for the way i behaved at the Entrance Exam it was rude and quite rash of me.

Iida Held out his hand to Midoriya who cautiously shook his hand back.

Izuku: Uh yeah your fine.

Izuku quickly found a seat in the corner and sat down waiting for a teacher of some sort. The rest of the class was chatting in groups or doing their own thing before the yellow sleeping bag on the floor made himself known. The guy in the yellow bag stood and introduced himself as Mr Aizawa.

Mr Aizawa: Alright everyone get in your seats we've already wasted enough time since you all took you all five minutes to finish talking.

Everyone made there way to a seat and Aizawa spoke up.

Aizawa: Today we will be doing a quirk assesment. Grab your gym uniforms and go get changed.

Every got there uniforms and headed to the locker room. Midoriya was the first one out and was actually early to Aizawa's surprise.

Mr Aizawa: I just sent you guys in how are you done already.

Izuku just kinda shrugged. Aizawa just sighed and got back to what he was doing. The rest of the class came in spurts with everyone finally making it after 15 minutes.

Aizawa: Alright we're going to be testing your quirks in a series of challenges to test your capabilities. And we're gonna start with a ball throw. Bakugo do you remember what your score was in high school?

Bakugo: yeah it was 74 meters why?

Aizawa: I want you to throw the ball but this time use your quirk.

Bakugo had a smug look as he caught the ball thrown by Aizawa. He stepped up to the plate getting in position to throw it. He launched the ball setting an explosion off to boost it. After a few seconds the gadget in Aizawa's hand beeped and he showed the screen which displayed the number 704.59 Meters.

Bakugo just scoffed as he walked away from the plate. Then suddenly the pink girl shouted "We get to use our quirks. This is gonna be so much fun!" Ooh if you could have seen the glare Aizawa gave her.

Aizawa: Well then, since we clearly think that this is a game I will be expelling last place deeming them unworthy of being a hero.

The class stared at him in udder disbelief. They couldn't say anything due to shock and being frightened by his glare until Uraraka spoke up.

Uraraka: You can't expel us on the first day. We just got here and all of us worked hard to make it here.

The visible anger Aizawa was giving off was only worsening as the class muttered in agreement with her. Aizawa had a bit of trouble keeping his cool but finally spoke out.

Aizawa: Do you think Natural disasters are fair? Do you think Villians killing thousands of innocent people is fair? Do you think that those who get bullied because of there quirk being considered weak or not having one at all is fair? No. Life isn't fair and your gonna have to learn that the hard way. Now any other complaints or can we continue?

The class just stood there in not shock not exactly fear either more like the inability to say anything. Aizawa took this as a no nodding his head.

Aizawa: Then let's get back to the quirk assessment.

Everyone took their turn throwing the ball. The only notable score was Uraraka who got infinity due to her quirk removing the balls gravity. Then came Izuku's turn.

Aizawa: Midoriya your up.

Izuku caught the ball stepping up to the plate. He charged OFA to 20% in his arm going to throw. However he stopped right before letting go because he didn't feel OFA in his arm in more. He turned to see Aizawa with red eyes showing he activated his quirk.

Izuku: Mr Aizawa why did you stop me from using my quirk?

Aizawa: You we're going to break your arm again weren't you? During the exam we noticed on top of the mutation quirk you had what looked to be an emitter type quirk allowing you to charge or boost your strength even allowing you to fire off wind blast. We noted the you emitter quirk however caused serious damage to your body. You aren't going to make it as a hero if your always injuring yourself from a few uses of your quirk. Now you may try again but not using your arm.

Izuku ignoring the gazes of his classmates at the fact Aizawa mentioned he supposedly had two quirks. He was left there thinking what to do before dropping the ball to which his tail caught. He charged it up to 12% (his max handle able percentage if I rember my own writing correctly) in his tail before launching the ball. Aizawa just gave a slight smirk before showing him the screen reading 953.68 meters. The ball throw test was finished and they moved on to the other tests.

It took a while but they finished the test and Aizawa showed the scoring. (For the sake of its 12 at night when I'm writing this part of the book, I won't be writing the whole scoreboard just know the Invis girl "Toru Hagakure" I think that's her name at least, got last obviously.)

------------- 960 words. Not bad. Alright I genuinely want an opinion on this. Do I actually expel Toru? Should it be someone else? Should no one get expelled? I don't know but hey if anyone wants to comment their idea I'd be glad to listen. --------------

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