Chapter 5

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(Damn this song hits when you're so lazy you gotta last day write a chapter you kept procrastinating to write.) (Also this chapter should be up Saturday Dec 17th and I'm just letting you all know that I won't be able to post Saturday Dec 24th because I have to celebrate christmas a day early due to things happening so you can expect the chapter either Friday if I manage to not be busy or Sunday if I am busy. Sorry I talked for so long let's get to the story.)

Everyone aside from Toru gave a small sigh of relief happy they weren't going to get expelled. Toru stood on the verge of tears albiet no one noticed till Aizawa explained how he wasn't actually going to expel anyone. (for now imma skip like 80% of the school day cus i dont have anything i wanna do in it really but maybe i'll get ideas later)

Izuku was stretching as the bell rang. He immediatly got up practially sprinting out the door. It was nothing against his classmates he was just ready to be home. Although unfortantly for him a certain Periwinkle haired girl had other plans. Izuku had made his way to the gate only to be met by Nejire the 3rd year who helped him earlier today.

Nejire: There you are Izuku. Took you long enough.

she stated with a giggle

Izuku: . . . Buh . . But I-i was literally t-the first one out. H . . How?

Nejire only burst out laughing. Izuku gave her a grumpy stare to show he wasn't amused but she just started laughing harder. After a while and several passing students giving her weird looks she regained her composure a little surprised to see he was still standing there. Not that she wanted him to leave or anything he just didn't seem like the social type to her.

Nejire: A magician never reveals there secrets ;).

(it's called plot she made it with plot. Nejire: "Mr Mirages you weren't supposed to tell them >:(." uh oh. well give me a minute to fix the 4th wall.)

(Ok we should be back to your regularly scheduled program.)

Izuku just sighed slightly annoyed but he couldn't be bothered to care right now.

Nejire: Aww come on don't be like that. You should have known i was holding you to your agreement to hang out with me.

Izuku: Buh But i never agre . . .

Izuku was saying before being silenced by Nejire placing a finger over his mouth shushing him.

Nejire: Alright now, to the park we go Izu.

Izuku was taken aback by the nickname. She had barely known him yet she was already calling him something other than Midoriya. After a few seconds he finally spoke up.

Izuku: Uh Hado y-you d-d-do realize y-you wh-what you c-called me r-right?

Damn stutter he thought to himself

Nejire: Of course i do silly i call all my friends by nicknames. Like for example i have a friend named Mirio but i call him either Mario or Lemon.

Izuku: Lemon?

Nejire: Yeah his hero name is Lemillion and he's got quite the amount of yellow in his outfit so it just works out.

Without realizing the two had made it to the park. After looking around for a bit Nejire dragged Izuku to a nearby bench. Izuku didn't have a choice in following her but had quite the bad feeling about this. They reached the bench and suspiscion was confirmed for as soon as he sat down Nejire began berrating him with even more questions. After too many questions to count he finally got the chance to speak.

Izuku: Woah woah slow down just because i did it before doesn't mean im gonna do it again.

Nejire pouted knowing Izuku completly understood her questions yet refused to answer them. After that they sat in silence for a few minutes as he had completely ruined her plan until Izuku finally said something.

Izuku: *sigh* Alright you can ask three questions if it'll break this silence.

You could literally see the frown on Nejire's face turn to a grin as he said that. Nejire spent a bit pondering on what she wanted to ask him. Thousands upon thousands of questions ran across her mind. After a bit she started with the first question.

Nejire: Do you really hate your cat features that much? I a hundred percent understand if you find them annoying but it's like you actively go out of the way to hide them. I mean i literally saw you pull a hoodie out of your backpack after school and immediatly shove your tail in the hoodie and throw the hood over your ears.

Izuku just sighed in exhaustion. He didn't expect to her to ask such a heavy hitting question let alone pay that much attention to him. He felt real bad sitting there in an even more tense silence than before. He tried to get Nejire to ask literally any other question with little success of even speaking. He just didn't want that question that but she wouldn't budge.

Nejire: Come on Izu stop ignoring the question if it's really that bad then i would like to help but i can't if you tell me nothing.

He wanted to. He really did want to tell her about it. He wanted to tell her so she wouldn't leave but no matter how hard he tried to get something out, anything, he couldn't. Every time he opened his mouth to talk *Nothing*. He felt the tears threatening to start leaking and even with as hard as he tried he couldn't hold it back anymore. The trauma from the bullying. The ignorance from his from his own parent. The several failed attempts to cut off his damned tail. All Rushing through the flood gates at once. All because of one question. He was lost. Lost in his own thoughts. He was scared. Scared of his past breaking out, Nejire leaving, More rumours about him spreading, More bullying, the past repeating itself. He was so scared he started hyperventallating. His thoughts were stopped by someone pulling him into a hug. It was Nejire. He just cried into Nejire's shoulder as she rubbed her hand in circles on his back.

Nejire: Hey hey just try and calm down. Slow your breathing. It's gonna be ok. Im here.

Izuku was managing to slow his breath though only barely. He kept tightening his hug on Nejire scared she would leave him too if he let go.

Nejire: Izu you don't have to worry. Im not leaving i'll be right here with you ok?

Izu: o-o-ok

Izuku had finally to get his breathing back to normal but he was still shaken up. He loosened his hug on Nejire finally somewhat calm.

Izuku: Sorry i ruined your hoodie crying on it.

Nejire: Izu that's really what you're worried about? you just had a panic attack basically and yet you more worried about my hoodie. Look as long as your good now then im ok with it being a bit dirty i can always wash it.

After a few minutes things had finally simmered down between the two and Izuku told her she could ask her other questions.

Nejire: Izu please there are more import . . you know what i've only got one question for you and well i'm not planning to take no for an answer.

Izuku just looked at her confused. He wondered what she was going to make him do. He did have trust in her no doubt but he was always a little suspicious of people.

Nejire: We're going to have a sleep over at your place for the weekend since i don't know if i trust you alone any more and if your comfortable we can talk about your problems. (Yeah i know they finished their first day today but im saying it was more of like a get familiar with the school day.)

Izuku: Can i change one thing about that please?

Nejire just gave a look of confusion prompting him to continue.

Izuku: Can we have it at your house i don't wanna go back to mine right now.

Nejire: Yeah, if that makes you more comfortable then im ok with it. Not like my parents are ever home anyways, to busy with their jobs.

------------- 1362 words. Holy shit. Welp chapter 6 is probably gonna be the sleepover. Oh and Nejire still has one question. Feel free to speculate what im gonna use it for. I'd love to see what y'all think Also i wanna know did you like this chapter? Did i move to fast for you? Maybe i moved the story just right? Unlikely. Maybe to slow? idk but hey im done so thats enough for me to celebrate. welp Buh Bye 👋---------

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