Chapter 2 - Books and Nightmares

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His coffin made it's confines clear that day. Dio tried to toss and turn but found it harder and harder. The wood surrounding him had gotten closer? Or had he gotten bigger?

Eventually he bashed the lid with his fist, causing it to fly across the room.

"How long could it possibly take him?!" Dio sat up in his padded wooden box.

The clock to his right chimed as the sun seeped through the heavy curtains.


Dio had no energy to move. He just sat. Looking at the glimmers of light that fell on the stone floor beside him. He was hours away from it reaching him. But he didn't care. It looked as soft as he remembered it. On his skin as he and Jonathan played outside.

His memories faded again.

He looked to his left. The head placed steadily on the dresser. The cloth still covering that delicate face.

Dio's sigh echoed as he climbed wearily out of the box. He lifted the head from the dresser and trudged downstairs.

"If I can't sleep, I might as well do something."

The library was further than he remembered. Dodging the rays of light through various windows on the way tired him.


Dio turned to meet the voice.


"I've returned my lord. With the parts you wanted."

"Excellent. Was sourcing the limbs difficult?"

"I wouldn't say easy but um. Enya was quite helpful."

"I'm sure she was. Are they ready or?"

"Indeed. If you'd like, we can start now? Though I find it peculiar to see you up at such an hour."

"I just could sleep that's all. Are you ready for the procedure?"

"Of course."

"We shall begin at midnight." Dio's tone became distant as his mind tried to make sense of everything.

"Meet me in the dining room."

Pucci gave such a polite bow and headed back to the festering bodies.

Dio snarled. A subconscious action. He continued to the library.

He placed the head cautiously on the grand chair that stood near the fire place.

He looked up. Rows and rows of books lingered above. So much knowledge. So many stories. But Dio wasn't here for trivial childish banter.

With the flick of his bony wrist, his stand began perusing the books for him. Dio sat beside Jojo on a neighbouring chair. His fingers couldn't help but caress the velvet cloth covering since an innocent face.

He lay back in the chair. Sleep beckoned him. His eyes fell dull as his body relaxed. His mind moving back to a time long gone. His breathing slowed-


The World dropped several books on the wooden floor. He glanced at Dio.

"You contemptible fool! How dare you startle me like that! If you can't carry a few books then I cannot allow you to carry him!" Dio stood firm against the chair as he pointed to the head.

The stand scavenged the books off the floor and hurriedly placed them on the table. He vanished as fast as he could.

"I should think so, you, you!" But Dio couldn't bring the hatred from inside him back. He couldn't conjure enough to finish his insults.

He sat back down with such force, the chair slightly swayed and the echoed creaking of wood soon followed.

And so silence befell him again.

"What a fool." He grumbled as he picked through the small pile of books before him.

Dio decided to ignore this slight feeling of relief. Having been woken before deep sleep. Having been woken before the dreams could start again. Before the nightmares took hold.

The first book he plucked from the pile was a book about cooking? He flung it across the room.

The next book was a story about a decaying picture. Though Dio didn't need to read it again. It flew across the library.

The third book though piqued his dying interest. A book about bringing back the dead. The pages were yellowing with age, having been read by most of the residents dwelling with him.

Dio leaned back into his looming chair and read all afternoon. And though the book didn't recall much on how the main character did it, Dio had a good idea of what to expect. Though he would be nothing like the wimp of the man when he first saw his creation.

He slumped as sleep came for him once more.

Memories flooded his mind. But among the blurring colours, a figure sat. She sat on a small wooden stool and called him over.

He ran to her. The voice soothed his racing thoughts. He leapt into her lap.

"My dear Dio."

He looked up through his tear-stained face.

"You've been quite busy since we last met. Haven't you?"


"All those lovely days with your brother seem so far don't they?"

She hugged his shaking body, now just a boy, and stroked his golden hair. Such a tender touch.

"Oh Dio. I still love you. I always have. And I'm sure your brother does too."

Tears never wanted to subside.

She stood up.

His figure now towered over her. They hugged. Though he sensed they were far more distant than what he saw.

"Such a big strong man you've become, haven't you?"

Dio, still shaking, wanted to tell her everything.

It wasn't his body.

"I know you're a vampire now. But sweetie- "she gazed into his eyes. "-you don't have to do this. He'll live on in your memories. He made his choice." Her tone became bitter.

"He chose not to take your help. And though you love him, he isn't worthy of this."

She hugged him harder. He backed away.

"Mother. I know Jojo is a fool sometimes but even he is worthy of something like this."

"Don't you remember that I gave you love? The only one to give you love."

"You can't leave me in peace?! Can you?!" The void swirled around them, crumbling as she let go.

"Don't say I don't warn you!" Her voice faded through the black as Dio woke up.

"My lord, it's time."

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