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Jenna sat in her car with Y/n next to her awkwardly giving herself a pep talk in the above seat mirror of the car.

"Alright you got this, you can do this, you could totally out act anyone, it's going to be so easy, the catfish is going to be all GASSP and you're going to be all HAH got you and then uhm well I don't know what's going to happen after that, but it's going to be some serious business." Jenna laughs as Y/n turns towards her with squinted eyes.

"Are you laughing at my pep talk, i'm sure yours isn't better than mines, so should you really be laughing,Or should you be getting better at those pep talks Miss Ortega?" Y/n asks as she scrunches her nose up in fake anger.

"No...I wouldn't laugh at that..Also just so you know i'm letting you win the pep talk competition out of niceness because if i even half way competed i'd beat you immediately" Jenna says as she turns towards Y/n completely and grabs her hands that were now tapping her thigh anxiously.

"You got this okay, we're like the perfect couple, and you're so pretty I'm more than sure most people are going to be obsessed with you and forget all about it, we got this, not just you..babe, were both going into this together, we're going to find out who did this too you." Jenna says finishing the sentence with a supportive look in her eyes.

"Okay, you're right let's go." Y/n says as she moves out of the car and closes the door before running around to Jenna's side and opening the door for her, she grabs the girls hand and helps her out of the car and doesn't let it go as they start walking towards the trampoline park the group had agreed on meeting at, Jenna's hand was the only thing keeping her from turning back and running all the way home.

"Why did we agree to a trampoline park again?" Jenna shrugs with her bottom lip poked out slightly.

"Because i thought it was be nice to have some fun just in case this all goes to shit." Jenna says as they walk into the doors, her hand disconnects from Y/n's the second she saw Emma across the room she ran at the girl and jumped into her arms with a large smile on her face.

"EM itsbeensolongimissedyouhowwasyourday" Jenna says as she jumps out of Emma's arms.

"It was pretty good so far, are you going to introduce me to that one over there, have to say before you even introduce us she's really stunning." Emma says pointing a finger at Y/n who was standing behind Jenna nervously.

"OH yes." Jenna says walking back over, and grabbing Y/n's hand and pulling her towards Emma who now had Maddie standing next to her smiling.

"Where are the boys?" Jenna asks with her hands still in Y/n's which slightly tightened around her hand at the question, she could tell the nerves the girl had just calmed were coming back full force.

"They're running a little late." Emma answers as she walks in circles around Y/n.

"What's your name? Your favorite color? Your favorite show? Why do you like Jenna? Are you gonna hurt her? If you hurt her I will find out where you live and break your spine against my knee." Emma says talking so fast no one could even tell if she had taken a breath at all during the small stint of questioning.

"Y/n, blue, I have quite a few but maybe uhm glee, she's beautiful, and sweet, and funny, and she makes me smile, and she makes me feel special, I can't swear she'll never be hurt but I can promise I'll never hurt her on purpose, I understand I'll offer up my spine the second I do." Emma takes a deep breath and squints.

"You did good Jen, i like her."

"So is this the one?" Y/n heard from behind her. Her head turned quickly to see three boys standing behind her.

"Y/n this is Sam, Rory and Jay." None of the boys had reacted the way they expected, all three looked as surprised as the other so there was no way to tell who it could possibly be, it wasn't as easy as the two thought it was going to be, they were lucky they had been able to narrow it down to just the three boys in the first place, but it seemed that was all the luck they'd be awarded for the time being.

Jenna sighed as she looked at Y/n briefly knowing they had the same thing on her mind.

"And boys this is Y/n try not to be so shocked I ended up with the hottest girl you've ever seen." Sam and Jay nodded there heads in agreement as Rory fake bowed to Jenna with his hands raised.

"Teach me your ways my lord I must know how you acquired such a fine specimen." Jenna laughs slightly although she moved closer to Y/n with a possessive hand against the girls back.

"I'll keep my ways a secret cause this one is all mine, and i don't share very well." Y/n turns away to keep her cool before her heart jumped out of her chest and ran into Jenna's hands, she looked over at the counter where the socks are sold and turned back to the group.

"Baby I'm going to go get our socks I'll be right back." Y/n says before walking off to the counter leaving quickly as she realized how easily the pet named slipped from her mouth not even noticing the overly smiley Jenna she left behind who was watching her walk away with a dreamy smile on her face.

"What a woman."

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