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"So what is it about her that you like exactly?" Sam asked as he stared at Y/n from across the room with his eyes slightly narrowed in suspicion at the girl who was slightly leaning on the counter as she waited for her socks.

"I mean yeah she's really pretty, but what does she have other than that, she's been pretty quiet this whole time seems kind of i don't know..one lined?" Jenna looks at Sam slightly confused at the way he was acting before she waved off her thoughts and followed Sam's eyes to Y/n.

"She's funny, and sweet, and the way she looks at me it's...everything, when I'm talking I just know I'm the only person she's focused on in that moment, she's adorable that's definitely a plus, she's just..my girl, and yeah she's a bit quiet, but that's cause she's shy and she's only just meeting you guys, once she's comfortable with you it's like being let through a portal to a happier world." Jenna says letting out a content sigh when she finishes, she hasn't even spoken to the other girl much but she hadn't lied about anything she said, the girl was easy to like, she'd give the catfish that one little benefit.

"Dude you're so fucking whipped." Maddie says turning her head towards Jenna who has yet to blink even when Y/n turns and starts walking towards her with their socks in hand.

"I...am not, I just really like this one guys." Jenna says smiling at Y/n as she stops next to her.

"Here you go tiny." Y/n says as she stops next to Jenna throwing an arm over her shoulder.

"First of all do not call me tiny, i am tall for my height thank you very much, secondly you ready to go jump or do you wanna get to know my friends more first?" Jenna asks already knowing the answer.

"I'd like to get to know your friends more actually unless you're trying to make me seem more mysterious with half an introduction." Y/n says sliding into one of the chairs near them, before pulling Jenna in behind her.

"Pretty sure you guys already know but I'll say it again just because, I'm Y/n." She said holding Jenna's hand under the table as her leg began bouncing anxiously.

"What do you want to be with Jenna? like really want? Are you using her? Is this some kind of prank? Or joke? Are you trying to get money out of her? Tell us, cause really i mean, you're not much." Rory asked the questions rapid fire making Y/n grip Jenna's hand tighter in hers as the words sunk under her skin and broke her down from the inside.

"Rory what the fuck dude." Jay says pressing his hand against the boys chest to move him away from the girls.

"I'm asking the real shit, what if this girl is just some asshole who wants to use Jenna for her fame and a little bit of clout, don't you think it's kind of weird she popped up after Jenna got even MORE famous." He says holding up is hands in a surrendering manner.

"I'm not using Jenna, I don't want or need to use her at all, i'm pretty fucking well off with my parents guilt money thank you very much, I actually didn't even know she was famous at first so take whatever stick you shoved up your ass before you got here out, before you talk to me again, you dick." Y/n said before she stood up and scooted past Jenna to walk off towards the restroom with watery eyes that she couldn't hide from anyone at the table.

"Fuck you Rory that was complete bullshit." Jenna says as she stands up going to follow behind Y/n.

Who do you think the Catfish is?

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