Episode 4: A New Beginning.

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(Authors Note: Sorry For my long time without writing I had a huge mental block aside from a whole lot of School work, which left me without inspiration and encouragement to write, I'll try to write a lot more since my schoolwork has been a lot more relaxed since I am finishing Highschool, and I already made my inscriptions so I have more time in my hands, I have a few characters in this story that I changed drastically from their original stories, since I thought It would be cool, aside from that, lets continue with the story.)

After Shiro leaves the corpse of Inko still wrapped in his cape, in the cot, he is guided by Marco, to a cot surrounded with curtains and a faint beep of a ECG sounding, Marco then opens the curtains, and what he saw shocks him.

Shiro: Ace!!! Marco, what happened to him?

The sight is honestly terrifying, in the cot, he sees the body of Ace, hooked up to a lot of tubes, that vary from oxygen, blood transfussions, etc, aside from having a lot of varying damage in his body, that ranged from a star shaped scar in his chest, and him lacking a major part of his left arm, that went up until his elbow.

Shiro turns to Marco, and asks him again what happened.

Marco: After we rescued and left all the citizens here in the safe point, we were ambushed by Magma Dog, I managed to get all the remaining citizens, but Ace stayed behind covering my back, all I could here was the clashing of explosions and collisions, when I came back all I could see was the mauled body of my brother inside a crater in the earth, along with a warning letter of Magma Dog, that read that this wouldn't have happened if we didn't intervene, and left him to deal his will and justice.

Shiro clenched his fist and punched the wall, cracking it a bit.

Shiro: Marco, will your brother recover, from his state?

Marco: Pops, he will survive but he will be severely injured, and I don't know if he will be able to do hero work again.

Shiro: Good, I know my son is strong and he will survive, Do we have any good news son?

Marco: On the other hand, we receive the help of another hero, you may know, does the name Azurescale ring any bells?

Shiro: Gurarara, is that old lizard still alive?

Marco: Yes he is, in fact he is the one that scared off Magma Dog, I know with his sadistic and cruel reputation, and the eyewitnesses of the citizens, along with credibilty of you two as heroes, will be enough to knock that bastard down some pegs.

Shiro: Yes, I hope, but first we need to take care of all the rescue work, call all the Whitebeard Agency, and please ask them if they can come help, with this mess, with our teamwork, we will make sure we rescue everyone we can.

Marco: Yes Pops, let me call them.

After all the Agency arrives, thay start in their labors, and try their best to rescue everyone they can, after all is sais and done, the tally for deaths after this carnage counted up to at least 30 deaths, but they were able to retrieve the corpses to give them proper burial.


We see a TV screen in a window of a shop, with the image of the ex - Hero, Magma Dog, and we see the reporter relaying this message:

"After a recent claim, given by two separate hero agencies, The Whitebeard Agency, and the Beast Agency, aside from the eyewitnesses from this ghastly incident, Magma Dog, was to be prosecuted, after his escape, but was hours later captured by the Beast Agency chief, Azurescale, and later imprisoned in Tartarus, but he vanished a few hours later fro  his cell, with no trace of him, we advise you citizens, to keep your eyes peeled if you see this escapee, the HS has appointed a promising rookie, by the name Permafrost, to search for this criminal, when we have more news about this recent subject we will share them to you, but for the moment, stay safe, and do not wander in the night, since the news of a traitor hero, may cause a lot of violence, and a new wave of villains that may think that we as a society are crumbling, but with the help of our heroes and our citizens, we will surpass this obstacle, and we will thrive".

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