ii • no name

46 3 0

(n.) the fear of hurting someone

You woke up with the morning sun shining in your eyes. You squinted, using your arm to cover the ball of light from your vision.

Eventually, losing your lazy battle with the sun, you sat up and stretched your arms up above your head, letting out a tired groan.

You swung your legs over the bed, standing up on your wobbly, tired feet. You blinked a couple of times to realize there was someone in your room.

You were slightly scared to say something, but you built up the courage and talked anyway.

"Who are you?" You croaked tiredly. You could hear a giggle come from the girl with long black hair that went down to the small of her back.

She turned around to look at you. She had a pair of circular sunglasses that covered her eyes, you could visibly see her sharp fangs in her smile. Her lips were tinted in a slight plum colored gloss.

"Hi! I'm Yoko Tanaka. I'm your new roommate!" She chirped in a smooth voice, "What's your name?" She asked

You mumble out your name to her. She says it softly, testing it out, before she ultimately smiles again, showing off her pearly fangs.

"I assume Miss. Thornhill came in yesterday and explained all of the rules?" Yoko questioned, grasping her hands behind her back slightly tilting her head.

"She definitely did. She made me feel so at home when she explained the rules in a bittersweet voice whilst I was in a bath robe." You scoffed sarcastically.

You liked Yoko. You thought she was really sweet, but you couldn't let down your walls like that. Last time you did that, bodies fell as their blood dripped from your lip.

"She did the same thing to me last year. She's very good at coming in at the worst times. Especially in Ophelia Hall. Just always be prepared for the unexpected," she exclaimed.

You nodded briefly before turning around and walking to the half full walk in closet. You observed your clothes before settling on a silk dark red top with a deep 'u'-cut head and loose sleeves around the bottom half of your arms. You also picked out a pair of black jeans that were bootcut at the bottom and skinnier toward the thighs, a black corset that went from your hips to just below your breasts, and a pair of combat boots and boot socks.

Today, you were going to explore the school. You needed to get a copy of your schedule, learn the layout of the school, and perhaps even look at a couple of clubs Nevermore has to offer.

"Where are you going?" Yoko asked as you walked out of the closet fully dressed, as you were putting your hair up in a simple half-up-half-down hairstyle.

"Out," you started, taking the hair tie out of your mouth and securing the top half of your hair you had separated from the bottom half of your hair, "I need to get a copy of my schedule and walk it and just explore the school." You continued.

"Do you need me to come with you or anything?" Yoko asked, brushing by you, hanging up some of her clothes in the shared walk in closet.

"No. I can manage, thank you," You retorted quickly, "You have to finish unpacking. I'll just see you later".


You walked down the hall, with your schedule in hand. You were in the middle of trying to find the Botany class with Miss Thornhill, at least you were until you bumped into someone.

You looked up and saw the boy you had accidentally ran into. It was the same boy you had with talked to yesterday, only this time his hair hung loosely, ghosting over his shoulders. He wore black skinny jeans with dried paint splatter, an old band tee that had a few rips and tears (accompanied with the occasional dried paint splatter), and a black jacket that was zipped up halfway, and did not have paint splatter, and he had dirty, old black converse on. He had a smile plastered on his face, the same smile he had yesterday.

"How many times am I gonna run into you before I'll finally get to know your name?" He teased, chuckling out an airy laugh, clearly amused by his own joke.

"However long it takes until my name is spread across the school," You replied, almost plainly. The boy cocked his right eyebrow, still smiling slightly.

"Well until then, no name, my name is Xavier Thorpe. I'll let you at least know my name, y'know just incase if you wanna say sorry or something," he joked, before brushing past you.

"Right then, Thornhill's botany."


"So on a scale of 1 to 10, how much are you enjoying Nevermore?" Yoko asked, popping her cherry flavored lollipop out of her mouth.

She had finished unpacking while you were out, but you haven't fully finished, so while you finished up unpacking; Yoko continued to try small talk with you. Despite your attempts to blow her off, she still continued on, desperately trying to get her new roommate to open up.

"Who is Xavier Thorpe?" You asked, blowing off her stupid question about the school.

"Not the answer I was looking for, but I'll still take this as you opening up to me. Xavier Thorpe, he's the school's tortured artist. His dad is literally a famous psychic, Vincent Thorpe, you heard of him?" Yoko asked, you shook your head no, before setting up books in the bookshelf on your side of the room, "Interesting, I'm surprised you haven't heard of him. Anyways, Xavier used to date Bianca Barclay, before they abruptly broke up; for reasons no one knows but themselves," Yoko continued. You tuned her out as you began to set up your desk that sat right next to the bookshelf you just filled with many novels and plays (one being an original copy of Macbeth from when Shakespeare just released it).

"So, are you ready for school to start tomorrow?" You heard Yoko ask.

"Do I have to reply honestly?" You reply, not even looking over to your new roommate.

"You do! Me talking to you is me trying to get you to open up, so, tell me! Are you ready for school tomorrow?" Yoko chirped, putting the lollipop back in her mouth.

"If I had to choose between starting school tomorrow and not being turned immortal before I die from the Spanish Influenza— I would choose death by Spanish Influenza in 1918" You replied in a huff.

"Who are you? Edward Cullen?" Yoko snickered, clearly amused with her own joke. You weren't going to lie, you were slightly amused by the joke as well, you unintentionally let out a puff of laughter, "I did it! I got behind the big scary mask you put up! So you can laugh!" Yoko shrieked in excitement.

"Maybe you are the Bella to my Edward"

Word Count: 1179

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