Emerald Entrails as that he end is
hunter go homehunter:yuyhu that was great
darius:what 0-0
hunter:look pengrams :)
darius look pengrams
darius:what no way
son that is amazing you have to your grandmother tellhunter:that want i
next day
gus viney skara willow go to hunter and willow was shockedwillow:y..you are daisy deamonne you are was the teacher from my dads
daisy:ah the old one Gilbert and Harvey Park my favorite student and team
how are the boys hahhawillow:oh my titan both are ok ^^
but wow you are was amazingskara:yeah
i have long askdaisy laugh
daisy:i have pengrams see you was amazing
you had right grandson
they are amazing and you had right willow is very cute
hunter had me so long tell about youwillow 0///0
hunter:grandmother –\\\\–
hahahunter:haha very funny
come guys ^^willow:is had me so glad ^^
daisy:the same ^^
they go to willow
daisy:he had a good friends here
darius:mm right
darius and the little prince
Pertualangandarius kidnapped belo's nephew darius doesn't want hunter to happen like his mentor raine and eberwolf know that darius had a nephew from belos but the two help darius and the plan too and darius left the circle and he had a big scar on his wrists 1...