Part 11

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Summary: During Naruto's training with Jiraiya. He met a strange girl, with strange abilities. During his time with this strange girl, he finds himself falling for her. The thing is this girl isn't human. And with her possessive nature... well Konoha and Akatsuki just better watch out, because this girl isn't giving up Naruto without a fight. Assassin's creed elements. Naruto X OC

Kankuro grit his teeth as he attempted to catch up to the blonde Akatsuki member that was leisurely riding his large clay bird, Gaara tucked securely in it's tail. He was NOT gonna let this bastard get away with this! He would save his brother or he would die trying! He had to save his brother!

He couldn't just leave his brother to whatever cursed fate awaited him! He was never gonna let his brother alone again! He refused to abandon his precious little brother!

True for the most of his life he was terrified of Gaara. But no he wasn't terrified at Gaara exactly. He was more terrified of wha the Ichibi inside Gaara and the lies it was probably telling his little brother. If their was one thing Kankuro regretted in his life, it was leaving his brother to deal with the cruelness of the village, and their so called father. But worst of all his greatest regret was not giving the comfort of a brother when he would wake up screaming at night because of the Ichibi inside him.

Ever since the invasion of Konoha, and when Naruto gave Gaara that speech about what true strength really was. The brown haired boy had made his personal mission to make up for all the lost time when he was to cowardly to be near Gaara instead of giving him the support of a brother.

Even Temari agreed with him on that, she stated it was same for her. Ever since than they tried their very best to be with Gaara, having picnics, taking him shopping, taking him to play ball. Everything they could think of.

And they enjoyed they spent with Gaara immensely. Ever the since that invasion of Konoha, meeting Naruto, and the death of their father... Things have been looking up for the trio of sand siblings. Kankuro knows that Temari has a secret crush on that guy called Nara Shikamru back in Konoha. He didn't approve of the guy because of his laziness.

But he couldn't deny that the Nara wouldn't hesitate to prove him wrong and protect his sister, should the situation come to light. And now, Gaara had a girlfriend in Yui. He was and still is happy for his little brother, after all the village had already more or less accepted him, he became KazeKage, he got a girl to love him, and they were the family they were always meant to be.

Heck he himself has a girlfriend, a Konoichi by the name of Sari. That was a girl that he had come to love greatly, and he would gladly give his life to protect and save her, much like he was doing for Gaara right now.

Life in the sand was doing wonderfully great.

But now. Now everything was going straight to hell at the moment. First the village was infiltrated, they found out it was a member of Akatsuki. His little brother fought and lost to the member of that damn organization. And now his brother was being kidnapped. Oh yeah so far this has been one fucking shitty night.

He was brought out of his thoughts, when he noticed the Akatsuki member he was chasing was getting close to the villages main gate. Kankuro grit his teeth tightly, and channeled Chakra into his feet in order to increase his speed. It wasn't long before Kankuro and Deidara finally reached the gate.

And when they did, deidara glanced behind him, and gave a small, amused smirk. The blonde lifted his only arm, and dropped some of his clay animals right on the cliffs of the village gates.

Kankuro's eyes widened, before he gave a mighty leap, and landed roughly just outside the gate of the village. Just in time as well, as the entire village entrance caved in because of the explosives Deidara set off, causing a cave in that blocked off the villages entrance. Kankuro cursed at the situation he was in. He had no back up, he was up against a S-rank Shinobi, and there was no way to retreat and get help. He only had one word to sum this all up.

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