Part 16

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Summary: During Naruto's training with Jiraiya. He met a strange girl, with strange abilities. During his time with this strange girl, he finds himself falling for her. The thing is this girl isn't human. And with her possessive nature... well Konoha and Akatsuki just better watch out, because this girl isn't giving up Naruto without a fight. Assassin's creed elements. Naruto X OC

Author's note: Well, was anyone else surprised at how Rin really died? I pretty sure I was feeling mind fucked by the end of the chapter. And it looks like Obito has now become a hollow. (From bleach) All I have to say is wow. Next thing you know Obito is gonna be shooting cero's from his mouth. Lol.

Author's Note#2: I think someone complained about the way I addressed Madara as 'him'. Well it is a general point of view, so I can't read into their emotions to much since its a general point of view. Plus I like to keep it a mystery. (Even if it's not much of a mystery in the first place.) But now, I might end up referring Madara as just Madara instead of 'him' if people keep complaining about it.

Author's Note#3: Someone said something about a Naruto when he's pissed or something like that, I tried looking for the song, and there were a lot of versions of it. I not sure which one was the one you were talking about, but I'll continue searching for it.

"Gaara. If you don't step out of this office, and enjoy the celebration like everyone else. I'll prank you so hard that your great grandson will feel it." Naruto said, his voice dead serious as he regarded his brother in arms grimly.

Gaara glared at his brother in all but blood, and he stubbornly crossed his arms. "I can't Naruto. I was absent from my position as Kazekage for two days. I must immediately begin my usual work ehtic if I hope to even minimize my work load." The red haired Kazekage said.

Naruto narrowed his eyes lightly "Gaara." He growled "Stop being so stubborn, and just go enjoy the festival with everyone else!" He shouted, banging his hand on Gaara's desk.

"And I told you, I'm busy." Gaara calmly chot back, slowly standing from his chair.

"You can't stay cooped up in here forever Gaara."

"Why not, I don't sleep in the first place."

"Even if you don't sleep, you still need to take a break. Stress is bad for your health Gaara." Naruto shot back, an almost smug grin on his features. However, that grin was turned into a frown when Gaara sat back down in his chair. "Gaara... If you don't get your ass out of that chair.. I'll drag you outside." The blonde stated.

Gaara rose an non-existent eyebrow, and he crossed both his hands, and legs. Sending the blonde before him a challenging stare. Naruto twitched, and he suddenly lunged at the redhead. "Get out of that chair dammit!" The blonde shouted, beginning a wrestle match with Gaara.

Across the room, both Yui, and Shiroi (Whom were sitting comfortably in the couch) gave deadpanned stares as they stared at the wrestling duo.

"They completely forgot we were here." Shiroi said, her eye twitching slightly.

"Yeah, I agree." Yui conceded, her eye twitching as well. "I know its selfish of me... But whenever I was with Gaara, he had his attention solely focused on me, and his work... but now... His attention is trained only on your fiance at the moment." The succubus said, her wings flexing slightly in irritation, and jealously.

"I concur. When Naruto-kun was with me he never took his eyes off me... Even when Jiraiya was teaching him some techniques, I noticed how his eyes would glance at me from time to time... And when he was on a mission he would sometimes send a messenger toad to hand me some letters of his... But now. His attention is just focused on your boyfriend." Shiroi said, her voice holding a twinge of jealously as her twitch became more frequent.

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