Part 13

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Summary: During Naruto's training with Jiraiya. He met a strange girl, with strange abilities. During his time with this strange girl, he finds himself falling for her. The thing is this girl isn't human. And with her possessive nature... well Konoha and Akatsuki just better watch out, because this girl isn't giving up Naruto without a fight. Assassin's creed elements. Naruto X OC

Author's note: I have come to a decision! I will be changing the name of this fic shortly after the release of this chapter. The new title shall be... Naruto: Rise of the Dark Storm.

Hyuuga Neji scowled as he waited for his uncle to enter his office. He had come here in order to tell his uncle about the looming danger of Hinata's obsession with the one and only Uzumaki Naruto. However, the fact of the matter was that with each passing second he was getting more and more pissed. Why would the normally calm and collected Hyuuga be so angry? You may ask?

Well the answer was oh so simple. He has been waiting inside of his uncles office... For the past three hours. THREE. FUCKING. HOURS!

Neji didn't know whether to be pissed off, or annoyed... (Wait.. Isn't being annoyed?, and being pissed off the same thing? Oh wait... no it isn't.. Oh well.) However Neji did know one thing. He was going to tear his uncle a new one if his ass didn't get here in the next two minutes.

With that final thought, the long haired Hyuuga began to mentally count down the timer in his head. Hmm, what should he have for dinner tonight? Maybe some onigiri? Nah, he's had that for the past seven nights now. Rice with pork? Nah, that was way to common. Hmm, what could he have for dinner that would be a welcome change?

Maybe he could have some Dango? Oh most definitely not! He did not want to risk running into a certain purple haired, trench coat wearing torture specialist who was a high A-ranked Jonin thank you. Plus she creepped him the fuck out.

Meanwhile Mitarashi Anko suddenly felt like scaring the shit out of a Hyuuga.

Back with Neji. The Hyuuga still couldn't decide what to eat for dinner. Maybe he could have some... Nah to stale. Maybe some... Nah to cliche. OH! Maybe he could have some!... No much to sweet.

The long haired Hyuuga sighed, Before an idea suddenly sprang in his head. Maybe he could try some Ramen that Naruto was often fond of. It couldn't hurt to try it. Who knows? It might just taste just as good as Naruto always said it would.

Meanwhile Naruto who was setting up the camp site near the border between the land of fire, and wind, so that his team may rest. Suddenly looked towards the sky. "Someone has been coveted to the greatness that is Ramen." The blonde whispered, making the Kyuubi inside arch an eyebrow. While Altair rattled in concern for his wielders sanity.

Back with Neji. The dark haired Hyuuga decided he would buy Ramen for dinner, if only to see what made Naruto so excited about Ramen in the first place.

He was broken out of his musings when he heard the door behind him open. He slowly turned his head to look towards who was entering the office, and to his relief, it was his uncle. He glanced towards the clock, and he nearly twitched... He was only a few seconds away from from getting told off. However the clan head was safe as he came arrived eight seconds early... The lucky bastard.

Hiashi rose an eyebrow at Neji's presence. Just why was his nephew here? It was then that Hiashi suddenly remembered that his nephew wanted to speak with him on a very important matter. And he was immensely late because he was in a meeting with the clan elders. Dammit! He just made himself look bad, especially infront of his nephew!

The very thought was horrifying! Hiashi just hoped that Neji wouldn't say he's becoming the Hyuuga version of Kakashi... No one wants to be like Kakashi!

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