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they stared blankly at you. "uh, sorry i'll go back inside." you said, your cigarette in hand as you turnt for the door.

"no it's fine." james assured. "we're done anyways." lars nodded and they stepped out the way and back inside to finish breakfast.

you went up to kirks side, the forenoon wind in your hair while you huddled in his plaid shirt. he lit your cig and together you stared out beyond the trashy park.

after a minute you said. "thank you."

he took a long drag, holding onto the rail, his eyes fixed ahead. "don't worry about it."

you looked down before placing your hand on his, slightly smiling. he looked at your hand & reminiscenced of what lars said earlier.

"..open your eyes man.."

that really hit home for him. he intertwined his hand with yours, a smile surfacing.

"oh my fucking god!" james yelled from inside. you two exchanged a look before crashing through the door urgently.

"james?" you called fretfully, running along the trailer until you saw him, his shoulders hunched, his eyes dredging over a paper in his hands. cliff & lars were crowded by his side, reading alongside him.

"jon zazula at megaforce records has sent the following label as a contract for signing metallica's first works onto record deal." the more they read the bigger their smiles grew.

"buckle up motherfuckers." james said, holding the paper in the air, grinning widely. "we're going on tour!"

kirk gave you his spare duffel bag & within only a few hours everyone had packed their things and loaded it into the trunk of his chevelle.

your head was still a little achy, so you threw back some tylenol & asprin before you got in the passenger seat.

he drove to the recording studio that belonged to their new manager, jon zazula, and parked the car in the lot.

everyone got out, bags in hand, and walked around the bend to the tour bus waiting for you all.

jon came down from the bus doors.

he shook everyone's hand apologizing for the short notice but said they were gonna have a great time regardless. he looked no older than 30, dark poofy hair, a beard, black metal shirt, slightly stout.

"who's this?" he asked, motioning towards you.

"y/n." james answered, patting your back. "she's our friend. been there since day one."

"great." jon nodded, sticking his hand out to shake yours. "nice to meet you y/n. stop by the recording studio anytime with the boys. we'll be more than happy to have you there."

you smiled and shook his hand.

"alright everybody, load your bags in the back & we'll get on the road." he clapped, "i'll be riding in a separate bus with the jumpers n crew. there's beer in the cooler. if you need anything just ring the phone. " with that he left the bus.

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