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"So Sophie, do you have any ideas?" Mr Forkle asked.

"Ummm, at the moment, no, but I wrote a list of what we shouldn't try again." Sophie said and passed the list to Mr Forkle.

He looked at the list quickly before asking "Um, Sophie. Is this the right list?"

Sophie leaned over "Yip!"

"Okay then. Uh, Fitz tries to seduce someone then starts crying on command."

"That one works like a charm but it makes everyone feel uncomfortable." Sophie added.

"I dunno, I think it's just PERFECT - I just, oh man, it just, HA HA HA-" And with that Keefe fell off his chair on to the ground.

"Is he alright?" Mr Forkle asked sounding concerned.

Dex looked down at the laughing Keefe "He's fine."

"Ignore him." Mumbled Fitz.

"Carry on!" Biana called out.

"Okay, um, Keefe improvises a break dancing number... Biana pretends to be a school counselor. You've actually tried all the things on this list?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Tam said glumly.

"Cheer up!' said Linh in a cherry tone.


"Sophie jumps off a cliff, again. This one's underlined. Why is this underlined -"

"WHAT?!" Sandor yelled from the door way.

"Carrying on, um, pineapple? What?"

"Don't ask."

"Throw Sandor at enemies like a cat?"

"Oh no, that one works every time. Put it on the to do list." Sophie said almost excitedly.

"So you do have some ideas." Mr Forkle inquired skeptically.

"Do you really want to hear them?" Fitz asked.

"No. I'm leaving. Goodbye."

"Thanks for the meeting. It was FORKLETASTIC!"

"Shut up, Keefe."

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