Headless Chicken

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"MERRY CHRISTMAS" Sophie yelled as she ran down the stairs.

Biana, Linh, Keefe, Fitz, Tam and Dex trailed down the stairs after her. They didn't look as happy.

"Isn't it next week?" Tam groaned.

"And?!" Sophie said as she turned around. She had a scary look on her face.

Sandor rolled his eyes "She's been like this for the last couple of weeks".


"NO MORE!" Yelled Biana. They'd all been suffering. Greatly. Agreeing to do Christmas for Sophie was something they would all regret forever. But Sophie was in need of a good cheering up and Christmas seemed to be working.

They all gathered round the table which was covered in strange looking food no one regonised.

"Fruitcake! Thanks mom!"

Edaline grinned at her daughter "Enjoy!"

They ate the food (which Sophie had insisted was necessary) and looked up at the decorations.

"Foster, why are there twigs everywhere." Keefe asked as he bit into a pie.

Sophie perked up immediately "It's mistletoe," she explained "If you go under it with someone you have kiss."

Grady's eyes widened "NO!"


"Hey Biana, what happened to Tam?" Sophie asked.

Biana looked up at her confused "Huh, what happened to Tam?"

"He's running around like a headless chicken, absolutely screaming his head off."

"That's a weird reaction." Biana said frowning.

It was Sophie's turn to look confused "To what?"


"Just tell me what happened."

"He saw Keefe approaching him under the mistletoe and bolted."

A/N: I always promise to update more and then I don't. Sorry guys 😭. You have @CLEARSIGHTASNIGHT to thank for this. Commenting on this story is what brings me back here so pleease comment 🙏 Also leave a recomendation for a meme, I love it when it happens!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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