700 pages of Sokeefe fanfiction

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"Keefe, your room is disgusting.'

"Why thank you, Foster. I do try."

Sophie rolled her eyes at Keefe and sat down on his bed.


"What?!" Keefe asked spinning around and almost tripping over a pile of clothes.

Sophie jumped up and looked where she had sat.

"KEEFE WHAT IS THAT?!" Sophie yelled pointing at something purple, slimy and moving.

Keefe looked around frantically "Uhhh. BYE!" he yelled, scooped it up and ran outside.

Ro snorted from the corner "Bye Blondie." before walking out to follow him.

Sophie stared at the empty space where they had been moments before. Knowing Keefe it was for a prank and he was hiding it so she wouldn't find out anything else.

She sighed and looked around Keefe's room. It was extremely messy. On his bedside table was the little gold book. The book she wasn't allowed to look in.

I'm gonna look in it. What, no! Bad Sophie! It's Keefe's private book. But I want to know what's in it. Maybe he likes someone? Maybe it'll say. Don't do it. I'm gonna do it.

Sophie walked over, flinching at the sound of her feet on the marble ground. She slowly picked the book up. It was her last chance. But she had made up her mind and opened the book.

She frowned. What? She flipped to another page, then another and another.

"What the-"

Three hours later Sophie was sitting on Biana's bed, her friend staring at her.

"You're serious?"

"Biana, there was 700 pages of Sokeefe fanfiction in there."

AN: Hiii, I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated in a while I started a new school so my life has been pretty chaotic but I'm going to start updating this regularly. Would you guys be interested in another book like this rewriting Harry Potter memes? Let me know!

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