Chicken salad is just egg salad all grown up

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"This tastes like egg salad." Sophie said gesturing to the meal they were eating.

"What?" Grady asked. He was on edge. After all Keefe was staying the night.

"Human thing. Like chicken eggs."

"You eat chicken eggs?" Keefe asked incredulously.

"You don't?"

"Sophie, what?" Fitz asked confused.

"You guys don't- Wait what have I been eating then?"

Biana groaned as the table descended into chaos. "Sophie! Makeover!"

"What? No!"

"You promised!"


"You did." Linh added with a grin.

Sophie groaned, got up from the table, and walked up the stairs with Linh and Biana. Sandor rolled his eyes and followed the girls.

That left Grady, Edaline, Tam, Fitz, Dex and Keefe at the table.

Edaline got up to go clean up and Dex followed his aunt. Neither of them wanted to be involved in what would follow.

Grady glared at Keefe. Keefe stared back. Fitz turned pale. Tam flicked his hair out of his face.

A scream of protest from upstairs broke the tension and the boys got up to investigate and either help or tease Sophie.


Convincing Grady to host a sleepover at their house with her friends was no small task yet that wasn't the reason she couldn't sleep.

The seven of them plus Sandor, Ro and Grizel (the latter two had spent dinner outside painting each other nails neon orange) were spread out around her room asleep all except for Sophie of course.

She sat up. It was bothering her to much. "Chicken salad is just egg salad all grown up."

Fitz groaned "It's three a.m."

"We don't need to hear your ground breaking discoveries every. Five. Minutes." Added Tam.

"You eat chicken?!" Dex said in a surprised voice.

"You didn't know?" Asked Fitz.

Biana sat up and looked at Sophie. "For goodness' sake it's already bad enough that you EAT ANIMALS-"

Keefe tried to jump up but he tripped on the mountain of pillows he had claimed and fell on his butt. He got up immediately like nothing happened before saying "If we act fast enough, we can overpower her and light leap to Ravagog, I have a spare crystal."

"Agreed." Ro said.


"Oh come on, Sandor."

"Absolutely not Mr Sencen."

Keefe pouted and sat back down crossing his arms like a toddler.

The group rolled their eyes and tried to get back to sleep yet five minutes later Sophie spoke again.

"Do you guys think that fish feel wet?"

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