Chapter 3 Ebony

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I drag my feet up the college entrance after enduring the overly busy bus journey, cursing Mr. Connor for this ridiculous uniform. I give Sasha a quick call to let her know that I am here, and we agree to meet outside the library. I'm attracting a few odd looks as I make my way there, thanks to my uniform, hopefully Sasha has got a jersey I can borrow so I can at least cover the Carter's crop top. Sasha is already waiting at the library, and I whistle to get her attention, she spins around doing a double take when she spots my clothing. For comedy value, I strut over pretending I'm on the catwalk and doing a spin when I get close. Sasha lets out a low whistle catcalling me, "Damn girl where is Ebony and what have you done to her?" "It's a long story but basically I haven't been home from work, and this is the new uniform that Mr. Connor deems appropriate." 

"Well, I can't deny you look mighty fine in it, guess Mr. Connor wants to keep on exploiting you at every turn." "Eugh I know, and they say misogyny is dead, it sure ain't." Frowning she points to the Band-Aid on my hand from where they took out the IV. "What happened to your hand?" "Oh nothing, just scraped it at work." I lie, omitting the part where I've spent all night at the hospital hooked up to an IV. She pulls out a stack of papers from the classes I missed and hands it over. "Thank you Sasha, what would I do without you." "We have a bit of free time before our next class, would you like to go and grab a coffee?" "You read my mind; I could definitely do with the extra caffeine." 

The cafeteria is full to the rafters when we arrive, and we just about manage to squeeze on to one of the few remaining tables. I sigh sitting myself down, relieved to get the weight off my feet, it's been another crazy busy twenty-four hours. "Don't look now Ebony but Chloe is heading in our direction, and she looks like she means business." 

I groan clutching my coffee cup tightly. I look up just as she arrives at our table, her voice has taken on a strange high-pitched tone as she tries her best to pretend she likes me, "Ebony, hi, I'm Chloe we're on an elective class together. I wanted to touch base with you about the group project, have you had any thoughts about who you might me doing it with." She takes in my uniform her eyes running the full length of my body, a smidgen of envy registering. 

I suppress a giggle at this bizarre turn of events trying to avoid looking at Sasha nervous it may develop into full blown laughter. "I haven't thought too much about it yet, but I have some people in mind that I usually work with." I want her to realize that she isn't getting me unless she puts in some serious brown nosing. I see a flash of annoyance at my response, but she manages to contain her inner bitchiness. "Well, we have another class this afternoon, maybe we could discuss it after the lesson and whether you would want to be in our group. You know it would also be with Zac Hudson too?" She emphasizes his name as though that would make it a done deal for me. "OK sure thing well I can't make any promises as I think my group is already pretty set but I guess I'll see you later." 

 Finally, she leaves, and I feel like I can breathe again, as she moves her brand of toxic on. Sasha looks at me incredulously, "I thought you were going to change course anyway; did you have a change of heart?" "No, I'm changing class, just want to have a bit of fun before I do." "Well, it's your funeral Ebs, don't say I didn't warn you." "Don't worry I know what I'm dealing with." As Sasha tends to overly worry, I move the conversation along. "Shall we make our way to our next class then?" We gather all our belongings and head over, we bump into Nathan on the way. He is looking slightly baffled at me no doubt on account of my ridiculous clothing, he shakes his head amusement lighting up his eyes. "October 31st called they want Halloween back." "If that's your attempt at a joke I can honestly say that it's a good thing you are studying law." "Not sure about that a lot of people have called me a clown." "Yeah well that's understandable. Before you say anything else, it's my new uniform and I haven't had a chance to go home yet." "I'm not complaining you look kinda hot in an Animémeets buffy the vampire slayer kind of way." "Jeez I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult but I'll take it either way. 

 Anyway, I don't know about you, but I've got a class to get to." We file in just in time as the lecture is about to start, snagging some of the only remaining seats. We have an interesting debate discussing the current issues in Intellectual Property Law, unfortunately I can't apply these laws when dealing with Chloe and the 'group' project. So absorbed in my work, I'm surprised to hear the buzzer sound for the end of class. Groaning I remember it's time for the option group. I say my goodbyes to Sasha and Nathan and meander there as slowly as possible, not really in a rush to see the people that were openly laughing at me. When I eventually arrive, the teacher is already here so I creep in seating myself at the back. 

The first people I notice are Chloe and Zac perched like royalty on their thrones surrounded by their loyal subjects. Zac does a double take when he sees my uniform, his eyes scorching a trail of heat where they fall. Avoiding his gaze, I can finally sneak a look at him when he turns away. Holy Mama he is looking unbelievably hot today, wearing a plain black t-shirt affording me with a generous view of his tanned and toned biceps, his tattoos snaked alluringly around them. His baseball cap is on backwards and his chin length thick dark hair is peeking out tickling the top of his neck. An aura of supreme confidence emanates from his every pore as he leans back in his chair, legs spread out wide before him, a perfect specimen of somebody in their prime. He's chewing absentmindedly on a pen and just that small action is sexy as sin. I can't deny his sexual magnetism is off the scale. What the hell is wrong with me, I'm getting all hot and bothered over Zac Hudson chewing on a pen. I mean I always knew that he is fine with a capital F but I just disregarded him almost as a caricature but now I've got the chance to see him up close I hate to admit it but I can see what all the fuss is about. I hate how my body reacts to him. I close my eyes trying to obliterate these thoughts, I'm panting like a bitch in heat, and I need to snap myself right out of it. I'm better than this. Maybe it's a touch of sexual frustration and I just need to get laid. The authoritative voice of the Professor refocuses my attention and I listen carefully as he lays out the framework for the group project. "I expect you to finalize your groups this week and then have meetings to work on your project framework, getting together all the necessary groundwork and research materials. Then in two weeks' time, I would like you to do a group presentation outlining all your research materials and the scope of your project. This presentation will be worth twenty percent of your final mark and attendance to the classes until this point is optional as I will give you that time to work on your project" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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