(in the roof)
Izuku returns to his human form and grabs his weapon
Izuku: It's good that you managed to dodge my attacks
Endeavor to himself: I think I'm starting to understand how to beat him
All Might advances towards Izuku
Endeavor: Hmm?
All Might: Well, it's time for me to show all my might
Izuku defiantly: Come on
All Might useo One for All 100%, and runs towards Izuku
All Might: Detroit Smash!!
Izuku: Raimei Hakke
A violent collision occurs between All Might and Izuku, which splits the sky in two
Izumi: The sky has split!!
Izuku to himself: What?
All Might increases his power even more, up to 200%
All Might to himself: I will spare no energy, I will defeat him here and now
All Might manages to outsmart Izuku in this collision
Hawks: Amazing!
Endeavor: All Might
All Might jumps high
All Might: California Smash!
Izuku: Don't dream too much
Izuku fuses Haoshoku Haki with his weapon even more, then attacks All Might
All Might tries hard to resist Izuku's power
Suddenly Izuku predicts an attack from above him
Star: Don't forget that I'm here
Izuku to himself: Star?
Star delivers a very strong punch with her quirk