Being in love (7)

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Summery: Aenna and Aegon are twins, Aegon's in love with Aenna but she's married to Aemond.

Final Chapter

The Coronation

Aegon askes Aenna to go with him and their mother to the coronation in his carriage. Aegon and their mother were talking and all of a sudden Aegon asked a question to both of the that the did not expect.

 Aegon and their mother were talking and all of a sudden Aegon asked a question to both of the that the did not expect

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You imbecile was Alicent's answer.

Of course I love you answers Aenna.

Aemond seems to think you don't Aegon says to Aenna.

I do love you but I love Aemond more says Aenna.

What does he have that I don't? says Aegon 

He's my husband and I love him, you can't help who you fall in love with says Aenna.

I'm going to be king now, please leave him and marry me?! I'm in love with you Aenna says Aegon.

I can't I'm in love with him and I love you but as a brother! says Aenna.

Aegon just looks at Aenna with a very sad expression on his face but doesn't say anything

Aegon just looks at Aenna with a very sad expression on his face but doesn't say anything

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The rest of the journey was silent. 

When they got to where they were going Aegon was led in to a room to get ready for his coronation. Alicent and Aenna went to stand with the rest of the family. Aenna went to stand with her husband to the side and Alicent went to stand with her father at the front of the stage waiting for Aegon.

The people of Flee Bottom were rushing in to the sept to see the new king's coronation. After a bit of time Aegon came walking in.

When Aegon got to the stage he bowed down in front of Otto so he could put the crown on Aegon

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When Aegon got to the stage he bowed down in front of Otto so he could put the crown on Aegon. Then he turned to the crowd and brought his arms with his sword in one hand in the air to make the crowd cheer for their new king.

 Then he turned to the crowd and brought his arms with his sword in one hand in the air to make the crowd cheer for their new king

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Aegon felt good standing here as the king.

The End

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