Fall Semester

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Today's the first day of the fall semester and my last first day of college ever. It's crazy to think about the fact that in May we will be graduating. The last almost four years have flown by in the blink of an eye, it both terrifies and excites me. Storm's picking me up this morning because we both signed up for early classes this semester. I talked him into it, because it means that you also end earlier and he will have a break until he has to go to hockey practice.

I pack my laptop and notebook into my bag and grab a sweatshirt to put on. It's the end of August and the weather is already starting to cool down. The mornings and evenings are the coolest time of the day and it's refreshing because of the massive heat wave we had over the summer. I slide into my Nike running shoes and quietly walk to the kitchen to make a coffee and bagel. Storm texts me when he's out front and I hurry down the elevator "Morning Beauty" are the first words out of his perfect mouth.

I kiss him before settling in my seat and buckling "Morning, I made you a coffee" I hand it to him and his eyes light up.

"Not all heroes wear capes" he jokes as he takes it from me "Especially since the coffee on campus mostly tastes like dirt" he takes a sip and dramatically sighs.

"That's why I usually bring my own" he turns the radio up a little and we both sing along to the music playing through the speakers.

Campus is only a few blocks away so we get to the parking lot pretty fast and end up getting a close spot for once. I unbuckle my belt and we hang out for a little since we have time before our classes start "I like when you wear your hair in braids" I smile at his compliment.

"Thanks, it's one of the quickest and easiest ways to do my hair when I'm feeling lazy"

He stares at me "I can imagine pulling on them while I'm fucking you from behind" his eyes darken and I playfully shove at his chest as he leans over the center console.

"You're lucky I love that dirty mouth" I say and peck his lips.

He grabs the back of my head as I try to pull away "I know you do baby" he crashes his lips back into mine causing my heart to melt into complete mush.

Beginning our morning with a heated make out session was not in the cards, but I won't complain. Except for the fact that I want to rip his clothes off and ride him right here but we don't have enough time. He tastes like mint and coffee, which would normally be a weird mixture but for him it works. I run my tongue along his bottom teeth as he bites down onto my bottom lip and pulls a moan from my mouth.

We pull apart before we get too carried away "I want to strip you down right here baby" he says with a heated gaze.

"Me too but we have to go soon" he pouts.

"But.... baaaaabeee you got me all worked up" he bats his thick lashes at me.

I shake my head "How about you come over after practice and I make it up to you?" he smiles.

"Fine, I hope Kenzie isn't home though because I'm going to make you scream my name" he says all cocky before taking a drink from his mug.

"Like that's ever stopped you before" I say with raised brows and he chuckles.

"Touché Beauty" he turns the engine off and we grab our things, before stepping out.

We hold hands and walk across campus to our class that yes, we are taking together. It's an elective that we both thought would be fun to take called Nazi Germany only one professor teaches it in the fall and there's usually a waitlist. Somehow we both managed to get in and here we are walking through the history building to get a good seat.

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