Decisions Made

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We decided to to have the baby and telling our families was an equal mixture of excitement and fear, so we waited until the doctor said I was in the clear. We also more recently found out the gender which we got to share with everyone a boy. I screamed like a crazy person when the nurse told us in the room. Storm was also ecstatic even though I know he was hoping they would be a girl. We called our mom's after and told them, then we called Kenzie and finally Noel. Jack still hasn't come around to the idea of us being together again and I'm praying that will change for the sake of the baby and my relationship.


I'm now six months along and beyond uncomfortable in my own skin. The first three months I dealt with awful morning sickness, I couldn't keep and liquids or food down. The doctors were worried about my nutrient intake and making sure I kept hydrated as well but after month three the sickness got better and by month four it was gone altogether. I feel like my belly grows more and more every day along with my exhaustion. I ended up getting offered the position at The Globe to write to cover their hockey section both college and NHL.

Normally if I would have gotten that kind of offer I would have been thrilled, but being pregnant changes things. I had applied before I knew and now I want to make sure I will be there for him when he's born and not have to jump right back into work. They have a maternity leave policy but it's only for four months and I can't imagine going back when he's only a few months old. But, before I turned it down I spoke with the hiring manager and talked to her about my current situation and we were able to come up with a plan. I will write for them in office until he's born and then I will be able to work mostly remote until I feel ready to come back to the office.

I wasn't expecting them to be so understanding and it completely threw me off when she came back with this new offer. She explained that they were extremely impressed with my resume and all of the freelance work that I've been doing. They think that I will make a great member of their team and they are willing to help make accommodations to ensure that happens. I took a couple days to think about, before immediately accepting. I talked it out with Storm and also got my mom and dad's thoughts, because I value their opinions.

After those two days and I reached out to the hiring manager, Leslie and accepted the offer. Within two weeks My dad, Storm, Cassius, Greyson and my mom were all helping to pack up my apartment and ship everything to Boston. Storm found us a two bedroom apartment that's close to my office and right near downtown. We decided to utilize most of my furniture and then put whatever we don't use in storage for the time being. Moving was bittersweet because I was so firm that I wanted to stay close to my family while having him but ultimately I realized that I could write anywhere but Storm's job is in Boston.

He worked his ass off to get to where he is and I won't get in the way of that. He deserves to live his dream, so I decided to move. Luckily my dad and Stacey live close by so it's not like I don't have any family in the state. But it takes the whole family to make this move possible, Storm and my dad drove from New York to Boston in my car while my mom and I flew together. She ended up staying for a week, helping us get all settled in and get the baby's room ready.

She left two days ago, I'm relaxing for the remainder of the weekend because I start my new job on Monday. I'm confident that I will be fine going to the office and to the different games with no issues or concern. Storm is at practice right now and has been traveling a lot recently for his games that have been out of state. Luckily the next few are home games and I'm excited to watch him play. I've been texting with Jack all day about how I'm doing and trying to convince him to talk with Storm.

Storm's reached out to multiple times but Jack blows him off. Enough time has passed to where I think he needs to just get over it. Clearly Storm and I are doing better than ever and he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Plus, we're having a baby so he can't just avoid him forever. I get irritated with texting and decide to call him. The call is an emotional roller coaster of emotions that start off fine, then we scream at each other and finally I'm in tears. My hormones are all over the place so this probably wasn't the best idea.

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