Chapter Five. F*cking Rabbit

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Year E2996

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Year E2996


A gray smoke floated along the pink sky. Sour fuel fumes drifted in the air, masking the natural smell of the purple gingerbread dirt. The rock I leaned against poked into my spine, making me wiggle in discomfort. I tapped my pencil on the paper, finishing up my drawing.

"Fucking rabbit!" Rob yelled as he threw a wrench toward me. I ducked just in time for it to fly above my head. The metal clink of it landing on the ground echoed behind me.

I laughed at my drawing, knowing Rob would be upset. It was the scene in front of me. The craft was smoking as angry Rob tried to fix it. I finished the tree behind the pod, thinking I had completed my masterpiece. The pencil smudged across areas. It frustrated me with the non-perfection of leaving my drawing tablet on my bed in the Nus.

"You are missing something," Kat's voice said behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to see her holding the wrench Rob threw at me. Kat crawled over the rock, sitting next to me with a smile. Her purple hair fell over her face, dancing the curls on her cheekbones. She tucked it behind her ear as she glanced at her bouncing feet.

"Right here," she said, pointing at the spaceship's door. "Number three hundred and ten."

I peeked back at the pod, watching Rob kick the ground and walk off in frustration. In bold, the numbers read three, one, and zero.

"Nice catch," I responded before writing it down on my drawing.

"Finished!" Kat yelled, then grabbed my hand, pulling me off the ground. "Since you aren't leaving because I cut some cables, I have something to show you." She wiggled her violet eyebrows while smirking at me.

"Kitty, that was you?" I asked, thinking back to when Rob almost cooked up Tyran because he thought my little bunny chewed the wires.

She bopped me on the nose. "Don't call me that."

Kat's purple eyes glowed as the wind picked up, blowing around her hair. She shuffled in her spot a little before pulling up her shirt enough for me to see the fanny pack. Her eyes looked around while her hands reached out, trying to find Tyran. There was a switch in her head sometimes. I could see her thoughts causing her to give off this nervous expression, but once an idea popped into her head, she jumped into action.

"Come here, little critter," she said, grabbing Tyran from the ground and placing him perfectly in her pouch.

"Where are we going?" I asked her, looking back at Rob as he tried to get the fire started for the night. His eyes glanced at me as he waved for me to walk over.

Rob and I were not getting along, and converting with him seemed like a bad idea. Kat giggled as I smiled over at her.

"So you coming or not, Beck?" she asked before skipping into the dark forest.

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