The Village in The Clouds

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Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and read the chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'

Chapter 2 (Family) is already available for Patrons.

"The people you trust, can hurt you the most," - Ghost


Sunlight poured into the hospital. It was a cool, fresh light, fitting for beginnings. Inside the hospital room, the light fell across Minato's face and touched an opening there, tugging on his lips and making the smile more radiant. The light flowed across the room, scattered a thousand tiny rainbow beginnings on the shiny medicine bottle.

"So, Minato, have you decided on a name for the boy yet?" asked a curious Jiraiya, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Why yes, indeed we have. I think you'll like it, Jiraiya-sensei." Minato replied.

"Well then, out with it, brat. What did you decide to name him?"

"Naruto," Minato said simply, allowing his smile to grow wider. It was the name of the protagonist of his teacher's first novel.

Jiraiya was taken aback by the name but smiled nonetheless; he couldn't wait to play the role of the cool uncle.

The Night of The Attack

An involuntary chill ran down Minato's back as he turned around to see who was behind him. No one. His eyes instantly narrowed, all semblance of emotion gone from his face, now displaying a cold ruthlessness- the face of a Kage.

"Reveal yourself. Who are you?" As soon as the words flew out of his clenched teeth, someone materialized right in front of him- he took in the man's appearance: he was wearing a long black coat, a white mask with ripples in the design, and a hole for one eye- God, was that a Sharingan?

"Me? I'm Tobi. Nice to meet you, Hokage-san."

"I know as well as you that the name you just gave me is fake. Who are you really? What do you want?"

"Oh? I thought the Yondaime-Hokage of Konoha was supposed to be a genius at deduction. Surely you can tell my identity with a look? Do that trick of yours now. Deduce who I am." Tobi's voice seemed falsely cheerful.

Minato sighed- he really didn't have the time for this.

"At first glance, I'd say that you're an Uchiha. But you're not. If you were, you'd be a missing-nin, except that there has been no Uchiha missing-nin in the last seven years," The masked man twitched.

"Therefore, you're not an Uchiha. And you look young...I'd say you are about seventeen, eighteen. That leaves us with only one alternative. Seeing as you have chosen to reveal only one Sharingan eye and the fact that your wear a mask to cover your face, I'd say you found an Uchiha in battle, killed him, and took his eye for yourself," Tobi took a step closer to Minato. The look in the masked man's eye told him he was wrong. Was the man...angry?

"I see that I was wrong about that. Ah well. But, you seem to know me- I can see the recognition in your eyes," The masked man twitched again. "You're angry. I could go on, but I don't really have the time to squabble with a kid right now. I suggest you go back to wherever you came from before you get hurt."

The masked man started laughing. It was a burst of maniacal, insane laughter- the laugh of someone who has lost everything.

"Very well done, Hokage-san. You're still the same as ever. I am the tiniest bit disappointed, however. I thought, of all people, you would recognize me. I guess I've changed a lot more than I thought I had," said Tobi, sighing.

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